Zine Month 2025: Skirmish Games and Other Curiosities
Warring horses, freakish orcs, and the chance to go up against a Sicilian when death is on the line.

I don’t really have a lot of prior knowledge when it comes to ZineMonthQuest. Until I started working at Rascal, I hadn’t been particularly switched on to RPG news. Professionally, I was focused on video games and minis. I reckon my regular RPG group could play a new game every week for the next decade and not run out, so it didn’t feel like a priority. While we were planning our coverage, I struggled to come up with an angle. Rowan was taking a look at games from trans designers and what other demographically-themed round-up could I do? Britquest? Bleh, no one wants that! Thankfully, I stumbled across Sqwürmish in our announcements section. “People do minis games for Zine Month,” I thought to myself. “Oh, shit, I write about minis games!”
Unfortunately, I’ve not been able to find enough for a proper round-up. In scouring the internet and shouting on social media, I’ve turned up three this year. I did discover that some pretty damn cool skirmish games have emerged from Zine Month in the past, most notably Space Weirdos. If I have missed any for this year, which is quite possible as I am an entirely fallible, fleshy human creature, please let me know and I will update the article. As it stands, I’ve rounded the count up to five entries with a couple of other projects that caught my attention and, at the time I spotted them, hadn’t yet reached their goals.
Onwards, for glory and small-format games!