WW2 RPG sourcebook to launch 1st September
A new RPG sourcebook is set to be released on the 85th anniversary of the German invasion of Poland – an act of aggression which led to the Second World War.

Setting Europe Ablaze: The SOE Sourcebook is designed to help people play RPG campaigns based around Special Operations Executive (SOE) agents working behind enemy lines in the Second World War. Released on September 1, the book will be available in hardback, paperback, PDF and ePub.

The system-neutral book gives readers all the tools they need to GM or play in an SOE campaign. With no rigid military ranks or limiting rules to follow, the SOE offers the perfect opportunity to play an RPG set in the Second World War where almost anything can happen.

Author Russell Phillips said: "I wrote Setting Europe Ablaze because I liked the idea of playing a game set during the Second World War, but in a setting that allowed female characters, and didn't enforce strict military discipline. As a secret organisation on a mission to sabotage the enemy, the SOE offers limitless gaming opportunities and a different experience to more traditional military campaigns.
"The title was inspired by Winston Churchill's instructions to the SOE to 'set Europe ablaze' with their clandestine activities. SOE agents were at constant risk of discovery and death as they did what they could to help civilians in occupied countries, assist local resistance fighters and make sure downed Allied airmen managed to evade capture."

Setting Europe Ablaze is available for pre-order now from itch.io, Amazon, Waterstones, and other major booksellers. It will be available on DriveThruRPG from 1st September. Russell Phillips is an award-winning writer of military history and RPG books, who has written extensively on the Second World War and other conflicts.