Enter the Squared Summoning Circle in Warlock Pro
This Occult Promotion for the World Wide Wrestling RPG is live now on Kickstarter!

Demons. Spirits. Outsiders. The mortal world is cradled by worlds without, and the inhabitants of those worlds seek a way inside. They are drawn to ritual; to pageantry; to the thrill of victory and the agony of defeat.
To those who know the secrets, the Squared Circle becomes the Summoning Circle.
Warlock Pro Wrestling is a supplement for the World Wide Wrestling RPG. It contains rules, characters and context for running a World Wide Wrestling single-Episode session or full Season within an occult world where the wrestling, sometimes, is real.
When you play Warlock Pro, you will:
- Compete in the signature Summoning Circle Match to summon and bind entities from outside, gaining their signature powers both in and out of the ring.
- Explore storylines of the pursuit of power and admission to (or rejection from) four Mysteries, factions within Warlock Pro with different agendas and philosophies.
- Go big! Summon demons, talk to ghosts, shape the landscape to your will, discover the secrets of time itself, and make everyone think it was all just a show!

This 24-page, full-color supplement adds a whole new way of progressing your Wrestlers through their careers by summoning and binding inhuman entities. These are beings like Demons, Ghosts and Myths that your wrestler summons through victory in the signature Summoning Circle Match. Once bound, your entity replaces your Gimmick's standard Advancement rules with their otherworldly powers.
There’s more info on the Kickstarter page, or you can check out the free preview to try before you buy!
Campaign rewards include the digital download, the 24-page full-color comic-style rulebook, pre-printed playsheets, and add-ons of the other Hailing From World Wide Wrestling games.