Transgender Deathmatch Legend II is unleashed on BackerKit
This trick-taking card battler is out for blood until November 28th.

"This isn’t a game about being a superstar. This isn’t a game about championships. This isn’t even a game about winning. It’s a game about bleeding. Bleeding for the things you care about. Cause that’s what I’ve been doing all my life and I’m not done bleeding yet." - Kayla Dice, Looking Up at the Lights
Transgender Deathmatch Legend II, the card-based beat-em-up two player ttrpg from former wrestler and award winning designer Kayla Dice is live now on BackerKit, looking to raise £2500. Stretch goals will unlock the production of a supllemental roster of playable characters, featuring guest writers such as Jay Dragon, MacGuffin &Co, Jeff Stormer and more. You could pick up a digital copy of the game, a physical copy of the core book, or a deluxe box set with the core book, four fighting style cards, a deck of cards and a custom token. Additionally there are tiers for signed copies, adding Community Copies to the starting pool and having a wrestler you name featured in the game's graphic design.
Transgender Deathmatch Legend II is a hexcrawling beat-em-up designed for two players, using a deck of playing cards. Play out brutal street fights resolved via a trick-taking game with individuals tricks zooming in on the beat-by-beat of violence. The four fighting styles of the game include different flavouring of moves as well as unique trump effects reflecting their individual style of attack. Will you be relying on strength and fighting spirit, technical knowhow, a desire to break all limits, or a bag of dirty tricks?

The sequel to the acclaimed original game will feature six new scenarios and hexmaps, revised rules, new fighting styles, alternative modes of play, and a series of personal essays. This will be laid out in an A4 landscape book with horizontal wiro-binding, full of grungy and stylish photography of trans fighters (photography that has caused the game to be labelled NSFW by BackerKit).
The BackerKit page is live now with the most exclusive pledge levels dissapearing quick. The page includes mock-ups of the book and the online play templates, as well as details on the games seven thrilling scenarios. Fight for retribution, for cash, for glory, for justice. The campaign will run until November 28th