This Town Is Full Of Monsters Is Crowdfunding Its Second Edition - This Time, It's Physical!
The super premium GMless, collaborative storytelling TTRPG of small town magics, monstrosities, mysteries, and melodrama is poised to once again take the world by storm, with brand new layouts, hand drawn, full color illustrations, and a physical option via print-on-demand.

This Town Is Full Of Monsters is a GMless, collaborative storytelling TTRPG designed for tales of small town magics, monstrosities, mysteries, and melodrama. It was inspired primarily by Twin Peaks, various works by David Lynch, Silent Hill, and, well, you probably get the idea. It's all about surreal, usually character driven ventures into "the unheimlich" spaces, where the familiar and the strange mingle in ways that may or may not make you a touch wistful and / or uncomfortable.
TTIFOM has, to date, been featured in several actual-play podcasts, most notably Hope's Hearth and Follow The Leader, across several episodes, sessions, and arcs, and has, it would seem, been well loved by a small but dedicated contingent of wonderful, creative players.
Now, after close to a decade as a humble, text-only PDF release, This Town Is Full Of Monsters is once again poised to take the world by storm in an improved form, a proper Second Edition, offering a slew of new and very groovy features.
- A physical print option,
- A new layout,
- Brand new, completely hand-drawn illustrations and art,
- A judicious smattering of new and revised content (mostly in the form of clarifications and typographical revisions).
A Crowdfundr campaign is currently live, and will remain live for at least another several weeks, as of the time of this release.
Currently, the campaign is quite close to its rather humble base goal of 500 USD and the Second Edition of TTIFOM has been confirmed to be "a thing that is for sure happening," regardless of whether or not that last bit is raised by the deadline.
However, this project is being completed by a single, and dare-I-say rather beleaguered, multiply marginalized creator, who is doing pretty much everything, from the writing to the illustration, on their own (and with their own two aching hands), this being the only option available to them. And that means that EVERY bit of support has monumental value and makes a massive difference in their day to day life.

While this is not an "all or nothing" campaign, it would, of course, be wonderful to hit that target and even better to over-fund, even if by just a little bit. Basically, you're not just getting a cool game, and the potential backer perks, but also supporting a small, scrappy creator as they attempt to scrounge up solid foodstuffs, ingestible liquids, and basic operational and survival expenses while doing their level best to focus and function under conditions that are, let's face it, psychically hostile to them and theirs.
If you're brand new to TTIFOM and want to know if it's something you'd enjoy, there are several excellent examples of play available from the aforementioned podcasts, and the original version ( which will remain separate both for archival reasons and to allow cheaper access to the core gameminus the new bells and whistles) is heavily discounted (50%) until the middle of April of 2025.