The Rascal Radio Hour Pilot

Chase finally gets to make a podcast.

The Rascal Radio Hour Pilot
Photo by Jonathan Velasquez / Unsplash
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What if, instead of using your eyeballs,  you could listen to the rascals with your ears? That was a promise we made to viewers if we reached 2,250 monthly subscribers as part of our July pledge drive. Well… we didn’t quite make it. But we keep the faith that one day Chase’s deeply held dream of talking at our audience for an uninterrupted 90-minute chunk will one day be realized, so we went ahead and recorded a fun lil’ promotional episode!

This Pledge Drive special isn’t exactly how an eventual Rascal Radio Hour will sound, but it gave Rowan, Lin, and Chase the opportunity to experiment with bits, voices, and fun ways to deliver tabletop news to our loyal audience; all while giving you a behind-the-scenes look into the trials and tribulations that go into tabletop journalism. We hope you enjoy this auditory thank you for supporting Rascal and its continued endeavor to provide some of the best and most ankle-bitin’est tabletop coverage around. 

If you have any input into what a Rascal-led podcast should sound like, don’t hesitate to email us directly or at—be sure to put “podcast” somewhere in the subject line. And then go tell all your friends and various corners of the internet to subscribe so we can finally hit that podgoal. Stay punchy, y’all.