The Kingdom of Keshanar Is Coming to Kickstarter in April

Discover the Ultimate Ancient Egypt-Inspired 5e+ Supplement

The Kingdom of Keshanar Is Coming to Kickstarter in April
This is a community submitted press release.

The Kingdom of Keshanar is a fantastical TTRPG reimagining inspired by what ancient Egypt could have been if the gods, the magic, and the monsters were real, brought to you by an international motley crew of writers, game designers, artists, and historians. The setting's inaugural Kickstarter launches April 8th.

Sign up to be a VIP before the campaign begins for a custom set of sharp-edged, liquid-core, Eye of Apep dice and dice bag. 

The Phoenix Covenant

Ra-Memnon made a deal with the gods, offering worship in exchange for divine magic and immortality for the Pharaohs of Keshanar. However, each Pharaoh is only chosen by the Phoenix from among the most worthy Keshite citizens. This is the Phoenix Covenant. Powerful forces preserve it, but some seek its destruction. Which side will you join? 

Discover our: 

Easy-to-use 350+ page sourcebook. Plunder it for your home-brew or run the campaign Ra-Memnon and the Book of Gates (Level 1-10).

50+ detailed encounters, plot hooks and quests that go beyond monster blood baths and embroil the party in a dynamic story arc driven by their decisions.

Interactive 3D Map! 

The Kingdom of Keshanar has been built within the UNREAL Engine as an interactive map.

Architects, ancient Egypt specialists and 3D designers labored for three years to build the city of Keshanar in the UNREAL Engine as an interactive map (not a video game!) that your players can explore outside of game time. 

  • No more last-minute scrambling for battle maps. Anywhere an encounter happens, so can a battle map with a simple screenshot!
  • Animations to show players their journey from one part of the city to another. 
  • More than 200 meticulously modeled buildings.

The Gods of Ancient Egypt 

Serve them, defy them, bargain with them!

In the fantasy Kingdom of Keshanar, you'll discover:   

30 gods of ancient Egypt included with temples, factions, priest NPCs, spells, artifacts, domains, plot hooks and art. 

Original cleric domains and paladin oaths. Seek justice as a cleric of Judgement or serve Shezmu, the god of perfume, slaughter and wine, with the Slaughter Domain.  

Powerful new divine relics. The Scarab of Sacrifice, Bes’ Fateful Dice, the Loom of Khepri and many more give you access to the powers above (and sometimes below!). 

Unique festivities and rituals fill the city, providing ample opportunities to engage with the gods and their followers.
