The King in Giallo, a Quickstart Adventure for ESPionage, Kickstarting Now
Where classic James Bond meets the King in Yellow, with a touch of Italian horror, for Fate Condensed.

This is the first of three adventures crowdfunding on Kickstarter before the launch of the full setting book for ESPionage the Role-Playing Game of Psychics and Spies.
The PCs are the psychics and spies of Rainbow Intelligence Services, private contractors that investigate (or suppress) esoteric instances on behalf of the Department of Homeland Security. A tip came in about the location of a rogue Mexican agent. The American House is eager to speak with him. Locate the agent and bring him in.
Released as part of ZineQuest, this adventure includes seven pre-generated PCs, and seven NPCs, all fully illustrated by Elliot Balson, with layout by Audrey Stolze.