The Heart is a Dungeon is Back on Their Bullshit
Something has happened on the Corner of Pleasure and West River

"Hello, My name is Gideon Meander, and I’m the main field reporter from the trying times. I’m writing to you from Pangaea, the capital of Glin. Trying to spread word about something horrible that has happened here. I’ve conducted a series of interviews with key witnesses and am releasing my report to the public. We cannot let them pretend this didn’t happen."
The Heart is a Dungeon Podcast has just recently begun their 3rd series, The Corner of Pleasure and West River. This story is compromised of 14 solo session with some of the best performers in the ttrpg space. Each player takes on the role of a citizen of the city of Pangaea on a day of a supernatural disaster, but no single player has an entire understanding of the story.
This multi award winning podcast is bringing back the familiar THIAD themes of a large diverse cast, heavy soundscape with a side of psychedelics, and a narrative driven story that will break your heart at the same moment it commands it to hope.
If you wept with us in 1983, or changed and grew with our beloved fairies, we invite you to join us for a slightly darker story, but one we hope, leaves you with just as much to think about.

@thekellhop, @aGhostofeli, @GameMasterMon, @YaBoiBIG, @tot_cocoa, @yuriandthebeast, @annethegnome, @dewonatree, @bossjellybean, @TaylorAnnNx, @4evergmjustin, @rachelkordell, @OakleafInsignia, @nuffofabby @ohheyitsgina_@rahrah