The Golden Fez awards are happening Feb. 22nd at TotalCon
The tabletop role-playing awards will be livestreamed at 11pm Eastern

The James Carpio Memorial Golden Fez Awards for tabletop RPGs are being held this year at the Total Confusion game convention in Marlborough, MA. We're presenting the awards in memorial of James Carpio, Solarian co-founder who passed away in 2024.
The awards will be livestreamed at on Saturday, February 22nd at 11pm Eastern. Winners will also be posted on the site afterwards.
The Golden Fez Awards will be held each year. The categories for this year's awards are:
- The Holy Hand Grenade Award for best new game mechanic
- The Pick Up & Play Award for easiest game to learn
- The Velvet Smooth Award for best design & production
- The Forge of Destiny Award for worldbuilding
- The Hack The Planet Award for most unexpected idea
- The Bucket of Blood Award for best combat rules
- The Golden Fez Game of the Year Award