The Adventures of Bud & Herb: One Part Immersive Audio Drama, One Part Actual Play
Meet Bud and Herb, best friends and former adventurers on the hunt for a mysterious and terrifying cryptid haunting their sleepy little town of Mystra’s Glen.

The Adventures of Bud & Herb Official Trailer
Our mission is to trick you into falling in love with our characters and then leave their fates up to the roll of the dice. 😈
Bud, a deep gnome rogue, and Herb, a turtlefolk barbarian, may be retired from adventuring but when a horrifying beast is sighted in the nearby Cinderwood Forest, they know exactly what to do—start an investigative fungcast (a fantasy podcast powered by a magical mycelium network) called Mysteries of the Verdant Valley. Grab your cryptid-hunting gear and tag along as Bud and Herb track the elusive Cinderwood Walker, a beast so dangerous it can kill with only its stench!
The first half of the season is a scripted audio drama (and by ‘drama’ we mean a bonkers romp through the fantasy setting of Sygea), introducing listeners to the eccentric denizens of Mystra’s Glen, an idyllic little town with a darkness that looms over it. The second half of the season is an actual play, allowing the adventure to unfold through the collaborative storytelling of a game of Dungeons & Dragons.

The Adventures of Bud & Herb is the brainchild of Anna Fitzgerald (she/they) and Evan Bivins (he/him)—co-creators of The Pocket Dimension, a network that produces podcasts, actual plays and live streams. Joining Fitz and Evan behind the mic and at the table this season are Evan’s brother Matthew Bivins (he/him), Alison Kendrick (she/her), Seth McKay (he/him), and renowned Game Master Alejandro Tey (he/him). Additional voices by Sarah Mobley (she/her), Matt Williams (he/him), and Colby McHugh (he/him), with stunning artwork by esteemed comic artist Bridgit Connell (she/her) further bringing the world of Mystra’s Glen to life.

Character Designs by Bridgit Connell.
The Adventures of Bud & Herb is more than just a podcast or an actual play, but something entirely new. Whether you’re a seasoned D&D player or new to the world of tabletop gaming, there’s something for everyone in this whimsical yet thrilling series.
Strap in for a spooky hellride of clever plot twists, heart-pounding action and witty banter as Bud and Herb chase down this beast that stalks the Verdant Valley.
Episode 1 premieres July 29th, 2024 with new episodes dropping every Monday. Enjoy on YouTube or wherever you get your podcasts.