Step into the UK retro-future in this Tales From The Loop AP!
An all-British cast star in this sponsored Actual Play of They Grow Up So Fast!

Kat the Lore Mistress welcomes her first guest GM to her Twitch channel, as JC Darcy presents They Grow Up So Fast - a ‘Tales From the Loop’ Actual Play series. Sponsored by Free League Publishing, it features an all-star cast, a UK setting, and four seasons of content. They Grow Up So Fast introduces the UK Loop, a particle reactor buried beneath the Norfolk Broads. A wild experiment gone awry sets the scene for a year of adventure and friendship as a group of young teens find themselves with a dangerous yet exciting secret to keep!
A long-time player, GM, and writer of TTRPG content, Kat got her start streaming APs with award-winning production studio Girls Run These Worlds (GRTW) with two seasons of ancient greek-inspired D&D 5e campaign, Therosian Odyssey. Now, with her own channel going from strength to strength with one-shots, solo/two-player games, and the long-awaited third season of Therosian Odyssey, Kat is thrilled to get a chance to sit on the other side of the GM screen for this game, playing the sweet-natured tween Becky, whose imagination and creativity is matched only by her disconnect from the world around her.
‘When Darcy pitched this to me, I was instantly excited. Coming-of-age stories always have powerful potential, and being set against the backdrop of a recognisably retro UK setting, with futuristic elements, is just fun!’
Darcy, another alum of GRTW, sold the idea to Kat as the perfect project to celebrate the diversity and talent there is to be found in the UK table-top gaming sphere.
‘I’m so passionate about the UK TTRPG scene, and I’ve been chasing games set in recognisable locations, with opportunities to weave in cultural references that will resonate with UK viewers.’
It only seemed right, then, that the rest of the table be made up of UK-based players! Bringing some angst and rock music to the group is podcaster and cosplayer Wren, as Jesse. Dealing with a messy home-life, it’s their father’s speculating that ultimately starts the kids’ adventure. Fiona Howat, of the What Am I Rolling and the DM’s Book Club podcasts (amongst others) is playing Kimberley, an energetic 13 year old who just wants to live up to the example set by her footballing elder brother. Finally, Taylor Navarro, known for her project management and TTRPG design work, brings Annabeth to life - a bookish teen adjusting to a newly blended family and the responsibilities that come with it.

There will be eight episodes in all, with each season at two episodes each! Part one of Spring’s adventure, ‘Easter Egg Hunt’, will be live on Tuesday 21st, 8pm BST, on Kat's Twitch channel, with part two airing a week later at the same time, same place. Subsequent adventures will air in July, September, and November to coincide with the seasons in which they are set, and VODs will be available over at Youtube.