play list
Chappell Roan’s unofficial TTRPG Play List
Games for the gays, the girls, and the gay girls who can’t stop singing H-O-T T-O G-O! during character creation and end up wondering why their tiefling bard is such a hot mess all the time.
Journalistic writing that is not behind a paywall, but might be behind a "membership" block.
play list
Games for the gays, the girls, and the gay girls who can’t stop singing H-O-T T-O G-O! during character creation and end up wondering why their tiefling bard is such a hot mess all the time.
Let’s all politely clap and get on with our lives.
Steamforged Games’ involvement in Strangelight Workshop comes with several big asterisks.
Wizards of the Coast adopts a miserly version of preorder bonuses for its landmark book release.
Gen Con 2024
Many online blame the convention for folding to a right wing outrage campaign and forcing the event to end
Pledge Drive
Support Rascal during our first pledge drive as we aim for sustainability and a steady freelance budget.
Honestly if you're not crying because of the sheer overwhelming love you have for your character, you're not doing game right.
Evil Genius Games wants to sell you a digital version of Rambo’s M60 for roleplay purposes.
Austin Taylor continues to discuss the development of the upcoming young superhero tabletop RPG and how their other job bleeds over into game design.
Hex & Co’s desire to speed up the bargaining process has been stymied by ownership’s obstinate and outright hostile legal counsel
actual play
Kids on Bikes isn’t built to support Actual Play; but a hack of it could be fit to purpose.
We ride at dawn. Or at 10 AM, when the doors open.
Public Articles
The question of whether we can afford to step away from reality is a neoliberal trap.
Microcelebrity is horrifying, especially in Akron
Jambô Editora’s headquarters in Porto Alegra have “water from floor to ceiling”.
A short history of design trajectories.