actual play
The immersive horror of grief
An interview with Dark Dice producer Travis Vengroff about music, character death, and creating a narrative-focused actual play.
actual play
An interview with Dark Dice producer Travis Vengroff about music, character death, and creating a narrative-focused actual play.
Magic Will Have Its Due.
actual play
An Interview with Ify Nwadiwe and Jacob Wysocki on masculinity and agency.
The India-based AP studio is looking for DMs for their next big 48-hour charity event!
Just remember: There is nothing wrong in Degoya County...
A urban fansaty noir full of gods, myths, and murder.
Othersider Studios uses the melancholic horror game, Quietus, to create a bespoke horror anthology Actual Play series which emulates the horrifying magic of television series such as Cabinet of Curiosities and Two Sentence Horror Stories.
actual play
The nerdy institution returns with a new actual play after years of scandal and dormancy
Dice Legenz' Exciting and Hilarious New D&D YouTube Series
Roll For Distraction's new season tackles classic pirates with Honor & Intrigue.
Dani Gage joins the Magical Girl cast as an existing fan favorite character.
actual play
Planet Arcana's new tarot-based actual play is a pocket-dimension of the show's best qualities
actual play
An interview with Taliesin Jaffe and Abubakar Salim about divinity and actual play.
GODKILLER: Balance is a sequel to the award-winning GODKILLER: Oblivion, welcoming us back into the Cradle after the Great Divine War, and is set sixty years before the events of the OBLIVION.
Sci-fi actual plays, sci-fi solo RPGs, sci-fi panels, sci-fi TTRPG shout outs, sci-fi, sci-fi, sci-fi, SCI-FI, SCI-FI.
Unbalanced Encounters is an award-nominated narrative play podcast, using TTRPGS to tell heartfelt, twangy tales. In Season 2, players will work with us to explore new corners of a new world, taking agency over world-building elements that serve new stories.