Shadow over Gloomshire - Ending Soon on Kickstarter
A gothic horror adventure for Dragonbane.

Shadow over Gloomshire is an adventure for Dragonbane that revolves around the remote village of Gloomshire, located in a dark forest valley with a terrible history. It is written by Robin Fjärem who is known for The Frozen Temple of Glacier Peak and Salthaven among other works.
Much is awry in Gloomshire. Find out what the deal is with the mansion on the hill, shop for your very own tombstone at Odd Ends, or go treasure hunting in the graveyard. But no matter what, do not enter the temple!
Check out the Kickstarter here!

Bringing together a team of indie TTRPG talents from across the world, this zine features artwork by no less than five illustrators. Anton Vitus, known for his spooky illustrations in Vaesen and the Dragonbane Adventure Book has illustrated a cover topped with a pulpy horror logo made by Dan Algstrand of STOCKHOLM KARTELL. Cartography is done by Fernando Salvaterra, FukamiHB does dungeon maps and interior art, John Bilodeau draws some ghastly monsters, and Melker Holmgren tops it off with some demonic items and other interior art pieces. Finally, Lindsay Belton will help tie this thing together with her editing skills.

Shadow over Gloomshire will be printed as a 32-page zine and features an adventure location that can either be used as a straight up adventure or as a sandbox to slot your own gothic horror content into. Here is a breakdown of the content:
- Hand-drawn full color cover
- 5 Hand-drawn maps
- 12 Hand-drawn illustrations of NPCs, monsters, and items
- 5 Locations with about 50 keyed descriptions: Forest, village, graveyard, temple, and catacombs
- 3 Professions: The Paladin, The Monster Hunter, and The Cleric (unlocked as a stretch goal)
- 20+ Random tables
- 15+ NPCs
- 10+ Unique monsters
- 6 Magic items
The Kickstarter has been a roaring success so far and we have unlocked several stretch goals to make it an even better zine. For example there will be VTT tokens, another profession (the Cleric), more pay to the contributors, more art, and pre-generated characters with a custom, yet to be revealed, character sheet. We still have some stretch goals to reach, where the final goal means the contributors will get a well-deserved bonus on top of the one they already earned. We're super excited about the final days.
This game is not affiliated with, sponsored, or endorsed by Fria Ligan AB. This Supplement was created under Fria Ligan AB’s Dragonbane Third Party Supplement License.