Seeking Fledgling Podcasts With Brave Stories
The Heart is a Dungeon Podcast wants to pass you the mic.

The very first LoneHart Award is open for submissions as of June 18th 2024, and will be open until July 1st, 2024.
The Heart is a Dungeon podcast is calling for submissions from first year podcasts for a new project we hope to do a few times a year. The LoneHart Award will be used to give recognition and tangible aid to podcasts we feel are pushing the boundaries of storytelling within the ttrpg space. This award will have nothing to do with how perfect your sound quality may be or how studded with stars your cast is. We are solely judging off uniqueness of idea, of setting, of narrative voice.
There are so many fun and hilarious and wonderfully crisp games and programs out there, and that is not what we are looking for. We want to hear important shows, brave shows, different and unique shows. Your squid rock opera? Please oh please. A series where everyone plays the same pc at different stages of their life? Gimme. A vague story of trauma being represented by melting crayons? That's the spice. We understand that not all stories are built for mass enjoyment or easy listening, and we want to honor your labor while also encouraging you in that path of nuance and art.
The rules are simple! Submit your show using the form below, we will look through all of them and choose 12 and listen to an episode of your choice. The winner will be announced September 1st 2024, and they will be able to choose any mic for under $200 and we will ship it to them for free. That's it, that's the whole deal. Just a small way our community wants to give back and also lift up. International and non english speaking shows are more than welcomed, your stories matter.
We hope to reach a place where we do this 3-4 times a year, shifting the prize between different types of gear, external hard drives, office chairs, etc, putting the tools for dream crafting in the hands of those with a will to craft. Send in your story, I promise you there are artists on this end who want to cry with you, want to believe with you, and want to pass you the mic, so we can simply listen.