Rolling Seaward: A TTRPG Charity Fundraiser for Palestine
Join us in raising funds for the Medical Aid for Palestinians by playing, running, and watching TTRPGs.

In response to the ongoing genocide in Palestine, Poorna M, with the help of her friends at Desis & Dragons and ChariTTRPG is organizing 'Rolling Seaward', a charity TTRPG fundraiser, in an effort to raise funds for Medical Aid for Palestinians (MAP) from August 2nd to August 4th via Tiltify.
Rolling Seaward is a 3-day-long behemoth of a TTRPG fundraiser where several GMs from around the world will be getting together in order to run and stream more than 20 TTRPGs.
No matter what time zone, there will be a stream for you to watch, amplify and support in whatever manner you can. The current running goal is 1,000 GBP (roughly $1,290 USD).
Click here to donate! The link will be live till end of day Monday, 5th August.
From MAP:
“Medical Aid for Palestinians (MAP) has been working for the health and dignity of Palestinians living under occupation and as refugees for nearly 40 years. MAP works with local healthcare partners to address a variety of health care issues, including: healthcare, psychosocial support, disability and emergency response.
In times of humanitarian crisis, they are ready to respond quickly with aid and assistance. MAP also works to highlight the injustices caused by occupation, displacement and conflict. They speak out internationally against the barriers to health and dignity for Palestinians.”
Medical Aid for Palestinians (MAP) has been working for the health and dignity of Palestinians living under occupation and as refugees for nearly 40 years. From their regional offices in the Palestinian cities of Ramallah, East Jerusalem and Gaza City in occupied Palestine, and Beirut in Lebanon, MAP works with local healthcare partners to address a variety of health care issues, including:
- primary healthcare
- maternal and child health
- psychosocial support
- disability
- emergency response.
In times of humanitarian crisis, they are ready to respond quickly with aid and assistance. MAP also works to highlight the injustices caused by occupation, displacement and conflict. They speak out internationally against the barriers to health and dignity for Palestinians.

Wondering what’s streaming for this important cause? In Indian Standard Time:
Central European Time
Friday, August 2nd
- 12:00 pm - Love is on the Cards
- 3:30 pm - That’s A Moray!
- 6:00 pm - Yazeba's Bed and Breakfast
- 10:00 pm - Whole New World: Episode 1
Saturday, August 3rd
- 1:00 am - Kids on Bikes
The Witch is Dead
- 4:30 am - D&D Welcome to Dark Hill
- 8:00 am - Current Generation
- 11:30 am - D&D: Island of the Roving Library
- 5:00 pm - Quasar: Tales from the Endless Void
- 6:30 pm - Do or Die: Episode 4
- 10:00 pm - Whole New World: Episode 2
Sunday, August 4th
- 1:30 am - Eyes on the Prize
World Wide Wrestling
- 5:00 am - Dungeon
What is it that Lies Beyond the Immenseness of the Dark
Monster of the Week
- 3:30 pm - Goblin Quest
- 7:00 pm - The Quiet Year
- 10:30 pm - World Wide Wrestling
Please visit Poorna M's feed for live updates.
Central Eastern Time
Friday, August 2nd
- 8:30 am Love is on the Cards
- 12:00 pm That's A Moray
- 2:30 pm Yazeba's Bed and Breakfast
- 6:30 pm Whole New World: Episode 1
- 9:30 pm Kids on Bikes
The Witch is Dead
Saturday, August 3rd
- 1:00 am D&D Welcome to Dark Hill
- 4:30 am Current Generation
- 8:00 am D&D : Roving Library
- 1:30 pm Quasar: Tales from the Endless Void
- 3:00 pm Do or Die
- 6:30 pm Whole New World: Episode 2
- 10:00 pm Eyes on the Prize
World Wide Wrestling
Sunday, August 4th
- 1:30 am Dungeon
What is it that Lies Beyond the Immenseness of the Dark
Monster of the Week
- 12:00 pm Goblin Quest
- 3:30 pm EUphoria : The Quiet Year
- 7:00 pm World Wide Wrestling
British Standard Time
Friday, August 2nd
- 7:30 am Love is on the Cards
- 11:00 am That's A Moray
- 1:30 pm Yazeba's Bed and Breakfast
- 5:30 pm Whole New World: Episode 1
- 8:30 pm Kids on Bikes
The Witch is Dead
Saturday, August 3rd
- 12:00 am D&D Welcome to Dark Hill
- 3:30 am Current Generation
- 7:00 am D&D : Roving Library
- 12:30 pm Quasar: Tales from the Endless Void
- 2:00 pm Do or Die
- 5:30 pm Whole New World: Episode 2
- 9:00 pm Eyes on the Prize
World Wide Wrestling
Sunday, August 4th
- 12:30 am Dungeon
What is it that Lies Beyond the Immenseness of the Dark
Monster of the Week
- 11:00 am Goblin Quest
- 2:30 pm EUphoria : The Quiet Year
- 6:00 pm World Wide Wrestling
Eastern Time
Friday, August 2nd
- 2:30 am Love is on the Cards
- 6:00 am That's A Moray
- 8:30 am Yazeba's Bed and Breakfast
- 12:30 pm Whole New World: Episode 1
- 3:30 pm Kids on Bikes
The Witch is Dead
- 7:00 pm D&D Welcome to Dark Hill
- 10:30 pm Current Generation
Saturday, August 3rd
- 2:00 am D&D : Roving Library
- 7:30 am Quasar: Tales from the Endless Void
- 9:00 am Do or Die
- 12:30 pm Whole New World: Episode 2
- 4:00 pm Eyes on the Prize
World Wide Wrestling
- 7:30 pm Dungeon
What is it that Lies Beyond the Immenseness of the Dark
Monster of the Week
Sunday, August 4th
- 6:00 am Goblin Quest
- 9:30 am EUphoria : The Quiet Year
- 1:00 pm World Wide Wrestling
Central Time
Friday, August 2nd
- 1:30 am Love is on the Cards
- 5:00 am That's A Moray
- 7:30 am Yazeba's Bed and Breakfast
- 11:30 am Whole New World: Episode 1
- 2:30 pm Kids on Bikes
The Witch is Dead
- 6:00 pm D&D Welcome to Dark Hill
- 9:30 pm Current Generation
Saturday, August 3rd
- 1:00 am D&D : Roving Library
- 6:30 am Quasar: Tales from the Endless Void
- 8:00 am Do or Die
- 11:30 am Whole New World: Episode 2
- 3:00 pm Eyes on the Prize
World Wide Wrestling
- 6:30 pm Dungeon
What is it that Lies Beyond the Immenseness of the Dark
Monster of the Week
Sunday, August 4th
- 5:00 am Goblin Quest
- 8:30 am EUphoria : The Quiet Year
- 12:00 pm World Wide Wrestling
Pacific Time
Thursday, August 1st
- 11:30 pm Love is on the Cards
Friday, August 2nd
- 3:00 am That's A Moray
- 5:30 am Yazeba's Bed and Breakfast
- 9:30 am Whole New World: Episode 1
- 12:30 pm Kids on Bikes
The Witch is Dead
- 4:00 pm D&D Welcome to Dark Hill
- 7:30 pm Current Generation
- 11:00 pm D&D : Roving Library
Saturday, August 3rd
- 4:30 am Quasar: Tales from the Endless Void
- 6:00 am Do or Die
- 9:30 am Whole New World: Episode 2
- 1:00 pm Eyes on the Prize
World Wide Wrestling
- 4:30 pm Dungeon
What is it that Lies Beyond the Immenseness of the Dark
Monster of the Week
Sunday, August 4th
- 3:00 am Goblin Quest
- 6:30 am EUphoria : The Quiet Year
- 10:00 am World Wide Wrestling