Remember Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy? The Beta is Free on!
Kickstarter hit Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy is finally playable to the public, and it'll change the way you think about TTRPGs forever!

In case you don't remember, Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy kickstarted successfully in April of this year with $15,455, 486% of its original goal, And since then, The Agency of Narrative Intrigue and Mystery have been hard at work almost every day towards finishing it. Now, we’re ready to show the world how much progress they’ve made with a free version of the rulebook available to download on!

It’s free, so what have you got to lose? Well, maybe your life if you aren’t careful. Eureka is a deep, character-focused neo-noir investigation RPG about sticking your nose where you shouldn’t to protect people who can’t. Eureka is a TTRPG built on the shoulders of the fifty years of this artform that came before, and where those fundamentals have been lacking, Eureka innovates. People are always telling us “Eureka changed the way I think about RPGs.” It's so easy to Game Master that it practically runs itself!
Players will stick their noses where they shouldn’t and use a comprehensive variety of skills to comb through the environment, with investigation mechanics that won’t run the campaign up against a wall as soon as they fail a check. In fact, failures are good! Failing checks to investigate builds up “Investigation Points” until the character earns a “Eureka!”, which can be spent to learn a piece of information they would have learned from one of those failed checks! Keep looking, and the pieces will fall into place!
Investigate mysteries in a world much like our own, but with deeper shadows and more than a touch of the supernatural: Why does that girl insist that she be invited into the house? You've known your best friend for 5, 7, maybe 10 years... did you really see his hand split open out of the corner of your eye, or was that just your imagination?

A TTRPG by the disabled, for the disabled--and everyone else too! Eureka tackles themes of disability, otherness, and the burdens people place on others - but also what makes bearing these burdens worthwhile, without breaking its stride as an innovative investigative TTRPG! (And no, there is no "Sanity" mechanic.) As many of our fans are saying, "This game hates cops and loves disabled people."

Tying in to these themes, Eureka allows you to play monsters in a way no other RPG does. Compared to playing a mundane investigator, it’s almost like playing a whole different game! Ever wanted to play a vampire who is an unstoppable terror by night, but always has to be invited into a home? A wolfman who is always at risk of losing control and spontaneously transforming? A fairy with the ability to (literally) steal people’s identities? A witch who rides a broomstick and commands a variety of gruesome curses? A shapeshifting horror who can learn by devouring brains, and even take a person’s place? What about a just a normal guy among these, in way over his head? Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy supports all of this and more!
Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy is ideal for 1 GM and 1-5 players.

Downloading the free Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy Beta on will get you:
· A fully playable copy of the Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy rulebook. That's all the investigation mechanics you need, extensive character creation options for both mundane and supernatural characters, innovative rulings for all kinds of dangerous situations, and even more to help lessen the workload on your game master!
· "Horror Harry's Haunted House", a free one-session starter adventure module! Explore a "haunted house" in this low-stakes Halloween-themed starter adventure that will have you solving a who-done-it murder while training both player and character on use of Eureka's various systems and mechanics before you get thrown into real danger!
· Editable PDF character sheet.
So come investigate what all the fuss is about and join the over-1,000 other players who have taken us up on this free offer!