Rascal Celebrates its First Birthday with a Pledge Drive

Support another year of independent tabletop journalism.

Rascal Celebrates its First Birthday with a Pledge Drive
Credit: Rascal / Adi Goldstein / Unsplash in

Can you believe Rascal is nearing its first birthday? We’ve been kicking around the tabletop industry for a whole year, and everyone is invited to join us in celebrating this exciting milestone.

When Lin, Chase, and Rowan started Rascal, they worried that independent tabletop journalism might not be viable. But that worry was quickly replaced by frank astonishment as people proved their hunger for what we were selling. As one of our readers told us, “This is the type of journalism I've wanted in the RPG space for more than 20 years.  I'm glad we finally have it.”

Over the course of this year, we’ve published more than 300 articles—reviews, interviews, reportage, investigations–and more. We’ve also facilitated over 700 announcements, giving designers and creators of all sorts a platform to share their work with our audience. So much has changed since that late February day when we launched Rascal, half-built and half-cocked. Caelyn and Thomas expanded our editorial horizons and have already published some all-star pieces. We have reported on labor struggles and hurricanes and exploitative workplaces. We’ve screamed about games we’ve loved. We launched a podcast, much to Chase’s delight, and tried our damnedest to shine lights into as many corners of tabletop’s ecosystem as possible—spotlights for some, sanitizing sunlight for others. 

Heading into Year Two, that mission hasn’t changed: continue serving the industry with dogged reporting and incisive criticism, all financed directly by our subscribers—no corporate sponsors or advertisers muddying the waters. That means we need you, the reading public, to keep showing up. 

“The tabletop industry owes truly so much to the first year of Rascal Reporting, and I can't imagine a world where we will owe less next year.” - A Reader

Rascal is hosting a pledge drive throughout February. It is both a birthday celebration and a call to action. We want all of our annual subscribers to continue supporting the team, but we also need to convince new folks to sign up. The team is planning some very cool programming as our way of celebrating . Ultimately, though, this is a chance to prove that Rascal deserves a second year and drum up the financial backing necessary to pull it off.

Click here to subscribe now!

Subscriber Goals

(ACHIEVED) 1,950 - Current subscribers. This pays four Rascals $1,600/month with just enough left over for a few contributors, a couple conventions, a myriad of administrative costs, general upkeep, and taxes. 

(ACHIEVED) 2,000 - A nice round number and very achievable goal. Year Two, same as Year One plus insurance.

(ACHIEVED) 2,025 - We bring on Ranged Touch’s Cameron Kunzelman to write a monthly column. (Prior to the pledge drive, Cameron agreed to forgo pay so we can hire a second columnist. Are you a BIPOC writer? Want to throw your hat in the ring? Reach out: info@rascal.news.)

(ACHIEVED) 2,075 - All Rascals get a $100 raise!

2,100 - We convince Lin to take time off from Hollywood and write for us more regularly!

2,150 - All Rascals get another $100 raise! 

2,200 - We send part of the team to Essen Spiel in Germany, establishing our European invasion. 

2.225 - You guessed it: one more Benjamin in every Rascal’s pocket!

While these targets don’t give us a living wage yet, they do get us closer! It’s a long road and we’re here for the long haul.

“Rascal News feels like games journalism has gotten back to the roots of why it was good in the first place - unapologetically for the people, analytical, introspective. Zine culture vibes, pro-worker, funny and not afraid to report on companies most people are afraid to upset. The public media model is finally here for tabletop.” - A Reader

The Fun Stuff

A treasure chest mimic, pink and green, with a mouth full of treasure and massive teeth. The Rascal logo rests in the middle of its gaping maw.
Credit: Will Kirkby

First and most exciting, you can get a Rascal zine! Some of the best work we’ve produced throughout the last 12 months, printed on nice A5 paper, and sporting a gorgeous cover illustrated by Will Kirkby (Eat the Reich). Pre-order now! While we might save some copies to hand out at conventions, this is your best chance to clinch one. Also, it’s a way to give us even more money!

Secondly, so many people have been asking for it: we will be launching a full-text RSS feed by the end of the month for paying subscribers so you can get Rascal in your feedcatchers like you want it! Watch out for the announcement when this goes live.

Third, we’re setting up a permanent discount code for people in the Global South who want to subscribe to the site and who can’t afford our regular rates. Spread the word: everyone deserves to be an anklebiter, regardless of borders. Also, we’re trusting y’all with this link on the honor system.

Some of our best articles from the year will be made public throughout the month — a gift from our paying subscribers to everyone else. Keep an eye on our social media for more information.

But there’s also a whole month of fun stuff:

  • Rowan hosts a How To Pitch Your Project workshop for creators, Feb 11th
  • The crew stream a one-shot on twitch, Feb 13th
  • Chase streams a solo game, Feb 17th
  • AMA on Reddit on /r/rpg, tentatively scheduled for Feb 19th
  • State-of-the-Rascal stream where the crew talk business and analyse the year, later available as a podcast, slated Feb 20th
  • Caelyn hosting a chill hobby stream, Feb 25th
  • And maybe more???

Dates are tentative and will be confirmed on BlueSky and within our subscriber-only Discord channel, as well as updated here in the coming days!

“I subscribed to Rascal the day it was announced because I trusted the voices behind it and, a year in with no regrets, I only wish I had the funds to pay even more for the journalism they're providing. Some of the best and most expansive coverage of TTRPGs I've ever encountered, all with an ethical business model that's rare to find. Rascal has been worth every dollar I've spent on it and I'm excited to continue supporting this fantastic website.” - A Reader

How To Support Rascal

Beyond subscribing at any level, here are some other things you can do to help our pledge drive succeed:

Send us an email if you have any questions about the pledge drive, want to share a tip, or just feel like expressing your opinion about Rascal

Your support means everything to us. Our subscribers are our only stakeholders, and it is through you that we continue to write free and stay trashy.