Play Out the Highs and Lows of Raising a Child

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Play Out the Highs and Lows of Raising a Child
This is a community submitted press release.

Mum Chums is a 44-page, full colour, perfect bound zine presenting a complete RPG where you take on the role of someone, likely a mother, who acts as the primary carer for a child. You can download and play the full demo version now, designed by Tanya Floaker. The project has already hit the initial funding goal on Kickstarter, paying for Sinta Posadas to come on board for layout.

A mock-up showing two copies of the zine, one front and one back, sat on a mustard yellow background. The frint of the zine is similar to the banner image above, only with the title text overlaying the collage. The back cover is salmon pink with green text reading "A slice of life RPG about the people who care for kids" as well as some symbols depicting players, timers, calnder and a kettle.

Tanya was compelled to create Mum Chums by their experiences of parenting at the intersection of several forms of marginalization. "The real support and heartache I've encountered at the school gates, all between the people caring for kids, have been profound. These moments are prefect for exploration in a tabletop RPG."

There is also an option to get yourself a unique Mum Chums mug to use during the cuppa scenes, along with stretch goals of a play mat, stickers, and extra content up for grabs.

A sticker mock-up showing a green kettle icon with salmon pink outline and text wich reads "Pop the kettle on!"

Gameplay includes:

  • Building two relationship maps: a simple ring with the adults sat to your left and right, and a complex web crisscrossing between all the kids. The game works for 3–5 players.
  • Prompt-based mechanics where you play an adult character struggling with their burdens, while the rest of the table has control of your kids! No Game Master or special preparation is needed.
  • Confessional-style Cuppa Scenes, where you pick up a mug from the centre of the table, cutting away to give your inner thoughts on the events taking place.

For parents and carers, Mum Chums offers a cathartic experience. For everyone else, it provides space to examine a world often hidden in plain sight. In either case, it is perfect if you love to dive deep into an emotionally complex role-play experience. 

What challenges will you face while raising a child?

What kind of person will you become?

A Mum Chums white mug sat on a grey background. It has a salmon pink circle with the words "Cuppa Scene" over the top in green.