Operation Golden Cut: A Sci-Fi Heist Horror Adventure for the Mothership RPG
As part of the Mothership Month 24 collaborative crowdfunding event, this gold heist adventure unfolds against a grim backdrop of military conflict, highlighting themes of human cruelty and greed in an anti-war, action-horror drama.

Operation Golden Cut is an 3rd party adventure module for Mothership RPG. It will be a military map-crawl heist on a mining moon Bonaccio.
Operation Golden Cut delivers an action-packed experience, blending intense combat, problem-solving, and moral choices. Players take on the role of mercenaries with a secret mission: navigate the battlefield, steal as much gold from the factory on moon as possible, and escape with their lives. The mission unfolds against a dark backdrop of human greed and the horrors of war, where every decision could mean life or death. It is aimed to present the horrors humans are capable of in war and fueled by greed. Showcasing what we are capable against each other, when gold rush blinds us and erases our morality.
What the mission conatins?
- Deadly Setting: Explore the deadly moon of Bonaccio, shrouded in eternal storm clouds and wracked by golden lightning with poisonous atmosphere and low gravity. The landscape of blackened rock and molten gold creates a haunting and dangerous environment dotted by mining equipment and human exploitation.
- Dynamic Map-Crawl Adventure: The module features a military-themed map with 25 keyed locations that evolve as time passes, fueled by a Random encounters table which changes with how the unit progresses more into enemy territory.
- Factory Dungeon Finale: A climactic heist in a massive, multi-level factory-dungeon filled with automated machinery not built for human operators. Thus turning into a deadly death trap which the unit must traverse.
- Expanded Player Options: Equip characters with specialized military gear, survival tools, and mercenary patches (in a good Mothership tradition), allowing players to customize their units for the mission and turning their greenhorns into terryfying killers.
- Random Encounter Tables and NPC Generator: Includes tables for generating whole military units with specialized equipment, name and characters.The module also features 20 civilian NPCs, each with unique backstories, ten Mining equipment and ten grenades with possibility of more with stretch goals (for example there is a list of ten military vehicles in writing).
- Grim Themes and Moral Choices: Confront the brutality of war and the inhumanity of corporate greed. Players must decide whether to exploit the suffering around them or retain their humanity. This will be supported by flavor tables and hints through-out the module.
Inspired by Kelly´s Heroes (albeit this will be much more grim) and lot of great (anti)war movies like Apocalypse now, Platoon, Deer Hunter, Pacific, ...
Are you ready to kill and steal soldier? Enlist here: