Moonstone: Limited Edition Miniatures Event
From 25th to 29th November some previously released limited edition miniatures will be available to purchase again

From Monday 25th November at 3:00pm (GMT) to Friday 29th November at 11am (GMT) the King’s Coffers will be open. This means you’ll be able to get your hands on some limited edition Moonstone miniatures listed below. These are all available in low numbers. Once they’re gone, they’re gone. We’ll keep an eye on orders though to avoid any over-enthusiastic bulk buys!
Head over to our website to see more.
- Angry Jackalope
- Broken Eathebex
- Diana Enraged
- Drunk Fritz
- Eric the Exulted
- Goblin King: Coronation Chicken
- Kalista Paroxysm
- Pysycopresents (Christmas limited editions, available beyond 29th)
- Sen'Ara: Depths of Despair
- Slim (Shady)
- The Doomsday Report (lore booklet, not miniature)
- Treasures & Tyrants of Tauber (lore booklet, not miniature)
- Voth & Homunculus