May You Fish in Interesting Times is now available digitally!
Card-based TTRPG about ex-revolutionary bird anglers is now available after a successful Kickstarter campaign in June.

May You Fish in Interesting Times is a TTRPG about anthropomorphic birds going on a fishing trip. Over 200 backers supported the project back in June on Kickstarter. It is now available digitally on and DriveThruRPG.
Cosiness, Trauma and Moving On
The bird anglers were rebels in a failed revolution in the past. This is a game about a cosy fishing trip, but at the same time about broken birds bonding over shared past trauma.
While playing the game, each player answers questions about their character, and collaboratively recreate the revolution the characters all shared. After fishing, the birds would share a meal with what they've caught. Perhaps the gathering of the ex-rebels allow them to process their trauma and move on. (Then again, it is something for the players to play to find out.)
Card-based TTRPG for 3-5 players

The game requires 3-5 players (no gamemaster required), 1.5-3 hours of playtime, a deck of playing cards and a 6-sided dice. To play the game, each player picks one of the bird angler playbooks. The players take turns drawing cards and answering questions on their playbook. When a player manages to collect a trio of cards that fit certain requirements, something is caught on the hook. Certain questions allow characters to deepen their relationships with each other, and for the players to manipulate the cards in their hands. After fishing, the bird anglers would share a meal using what they've caught. At the end of the meal, the secret police would show up.
Mechanically, the game draws inspirations from For the Queen by Alex Roberts and Brindlewood Bay by Jason Cordova.
Bird Drawings and Trivia
The game features gorgeous artwork by illustrator Carol Wu.

Each bird angler playbook also has a trivia on the species, which informs on the narrative design of the playbook, forming the basis of the bird angler's role in the revolution and their character flaws.
May You Fish in Interesting Times is a collaboration between game designer W.H. Arthur and illutrator Carol Wu.