Spin a tale of journey and peril in Legend in the Mist, a rustic fantasy RPG
Enter a world where fireside tales hold hidden truths, based on the award-winning narrative game engine of City of Mist.

Son of Oak Game Studio, the ENnie-award winning publisher of City of Mist, has recently launched the Kickstarter for its next project, the rustic fantasy RPG Legend In The Mist.
The Kickstarter campaign, which launched on February 6th and ends on March 7th, will fund the creation of two books – the Legend in the Mist Core Book and the Hearts of Ravensdale Setting Book – as well as a range of accessories such as premade character folios, a Master of Ceremonies (GM) screen, cards, dice, maps, and more.

Legend in the Mist will focus on creating the feeling of an old fireside tale. Dubbed “rustic fantasy”, this hidden-magic low-to-epic fantasy setting returns to the roots of the fantasy genre, exploring unlikely heroes from tucked-away villages – such as Lord Of The Rings’ hobbits or Princess Mononoke’s Ashitaka – who are driven by circumstances to set out on a journey through the countryside and wilderness, surrounded by unknown dangers.
Not another tactical fantasy D&D-clone, Legend In The Mist is a narrative game with optional tactical elements. Like City of Mist, Legend In The Mist takes a different approach to roleplaying by using keywords instead of stats: player characters are made purely out of “tags” which players invoke during a roll to gain bonuses whenever their tags support the action they are taking.
See the core mechanics of Legend in the Mist RPG in action
Another main feature is the focus on player character story arcs. Each PC has multiple and sometimes conflicting motivations at their core that the player must juggle between. When one character "theme" eventually overshadows another, players can transform their characters in dramatic story moments, swapping out themes and all the abilities (tags) associated with them in ways that alter the character’s gameplay.
Based on the player's choices, characters constantly evolve, staying dynamic and fresh, changing their “class” or resolving a major backstory event and coming out with new abilities. This non-linear character progression in Legend In the Mist ties story and gameplay tightly together.
The campaign ends on March 7th. Back it before it's too late!