Infaernum RPG: First, you create your apocalypse. Then, you must survive it.
Infærnum is a rules-lite RPG made in Brazil that is currently getting a crowdfunding campaign for its English version on Gamefound.

Infærnum is a rules-lite RPG made in Brazil that is currently getting a crowdfunding campaign for its English version on Gamefound. Everything starts with a major event: a prophecy that triggers the apocalypse. Over seven days (in the narrative), players must face all challenges and reach the promised land before the end of all things, facing the four horsemen and other tropes of the Book of Revelation.

Well, kind of. In this highly original game, you define your own vision of the Apocalypse. It can work with any campaign or setting for any system besides the standalone premise presented by the game. That means you can simply use Infaernum on top of your current RPG campaign, whatever system that might be, to explore an end-of-world scenario. It's essentially your doomsday device and toolbox.
Are you in a years-long power fantasy campaign where your jaded, godlike friends have already killed everything that was thrown at them? Now, they will have to deal with a cataclysmic event they can’t stop and a world they can’t save; their egos might say otherwise, and instead of running to find the last refuge, they might finally find a battle they can't win.
You can also try to add this end-of-the-world game loop to a favorite movie or book. What would your favorite comic book icon, supercop, talking animal, or wizarding prodigy do in an apocalyptic setting? The game’s systems are so flexible that you can easily make quick decision rolls for any preexisting character or script to see how these would behave in an apocalyptic situation. Hey, we are even doing a Cthulhu-themed one to prove it.

The core also includes a vast collection of optional rules, supplements, and settings that make Infaernum the ultimate doomsday device. You pick and choose what you want to use according to how you want to play at any given moment. It includes modes inspired by popular games and tropes like Shadow of the Colossus, Diablo, Dark Souls, and Cyberpunk 2077, plus alternate ways to play, which include a dungeon crawler element, an enemy generator, ways to use decks of regular playing cards and even a Tarot Arcana, as well a sneak peek into 1,000 years AFTER the end of your world! Mix and match them as you want for the most insane results! This award-winning Role-Playing experience can fit any style or setting for Solo, Co-Op, or Guided play. Not for the faint of heart.

Early Backers (until 3/26) will get an exclusive hand-numbered print, and all followers will get a special gift: a free supplement called The Infaernum of Cthulhu, a crossover adventure with Mind's Vision's previous crowdfunded RPG, The Legacy of Cthulhu.
The campaign ends on April 30th.