I Can't Wait For Infinity YouTubers to Teach Me How to Play the New Edition

Help me, Obi-Wan YouTubeMens! You’re my only hope!

I Can't Wait For Infinity YouTubers to Teach Me How to Play the New Edition
Credit: Tesseract Miniature Studios

I really like Infinity. The anime cyberpunk influenced aesthetic is right up my alley, and its tense, deadly firefights are like nothing else in tabletop wargaming. I’ve been wanting to give it more table time for ages, so when the new edition, N5, was announced earlier this year, I got very excited. Originally scheduled for last month, it was delayed at the last minute before finally seeing release yesterday.

Being perfectly honest, I’m still very much an Infinity beginner. I understand the basics, and I’d like to think that I have a reasonably good grasp of my collected factions. I’d absolutely get my arse handed to me by an experienced player, but at least I could get through a match without slowing things with too much page flipping. Settling down with the new rules (PDF only, of course) I was confident in my ability to process the information contained within.

Readers, this was sheer hubris.