Hunters Entertainment Launches Kickstarter for “Kids in Capes”

The all-new offering from Hunters Entertainment offers adventure, exploration, and real-world experiences influencing super-powered fantasy.

Hunters Entertainment Launches Kickstarter for “Kids in Capes”
Art by Nala Wu
This is a community submitted press release.

Hunters Entertainment, in collaboration with the creators of Kids on Bikes, is thrilled to announce the launch of a Kickstarter campaign for their brand-new game, Kids in Capes. The campaign will go live here on May 29th.

Kids in Capes offers an action-packed, immersive superhero story that introduces an exciting, brand-new battle system to the robust Kids On library. The game features a list of six dynamic Capes (The Tactician, The Tank, The Cryptic, The Brawler, The Guardian, The Shooter) and a robust Power system that players of all ages can enjoy and immerse themselves in.

Art by Nala Wu

The creative team behind Kids in Capes has been expanded to include a roster of renowned game designers – including Doug Levandowski (Home, Calls to Action, Kids on Bikes), Jonathan Gilmour (Dinosaur Island, Dead of Winter: A Crossroads Game, Kids on Bikes), Morgan "Mo" Nuncio (Kids on Bikes: Volume II Strange Adventures, Teens in Space, Apocalypse Keys), Austin Taylor (All The Witches, Arcon, Till The Last Gasp), and Nick Sauer (Bigfoot Vs. Yeti, Pinball Showdown).

The designers are ecstatic to share this new venture into the franchise. Austin Taylor is particularly excited to introduce players to the game’s new combat system. "I won't lie, I am the person that likes to fight in games. I wanna go toe to toe with the bad guy and feel powerful while doing it. Because of that, I am really stoked for the combat system we made for the game, something brand new for the entire [Powered By Kids On Bikes] series. I cannot wait for people to get their hands on it and try it out for themselves!"

Mo Nuncio is thrilled about the new tropes introduced in Kids in Capes. "My favorite aspect about Kids in Capes is the new tropes we have designed specifically for the game! We really worked and discussed hitting on all the trope notes we adore from media."