Hobby Hole - Once more into the Hole
Soldiers and monsters and knights, oh my!

Yes, this is a very late Hobby Hole. Being ill, then very busy catching up after being ill, then being ill again is not conducive to regular hobby, let alone taking nice photos and writing about it. That said, I have done enough over the past couple of months to make for a substantial Hole, so I’ll catch you up on my various projects, give you a sneaky peek at what I’m working on at the moment and then normal service will resume next week. Deal? Deal.
Last time I wrote about a couple of unfinished projects; the New Antioch Mechanised Heavy Infantry for Trench Crusade and the Lost Shores Oracle Ruins from Fenris Games. I’m pleased to announce that they’re both finished, along with Mr Heavy Infantry’s chums! I’ll cover the last few steps on the MHI trooper, the whole process for the rest of the warband, and quickly touch on how the ruins differed from the piece of terrain in the set I’d covered previously.