Hobby Hole: Not the Fun Kind of White Russian
It’s not like shambling conservative Russian assets have modern relevance or anything

A couple of months ago, I wrote about my experience entering a painting competition and the response from you lovely folks was overwhelmingly positive. “More hobby content,” came the cry! Readers, I am very aware that since then I have written precisely zero hobby articles. This column is my attempt to rectify such a humongous dereliction of duty, by providing regular updates about miniature and terrain projects wot I have done. So without further ado, I present the inaugural edition of the Hobby Hole.
Blood Red, Bone White is a community-created skirmish wargame about the Russian Civil War with just a hint of the occult mixed in. (In the same way that I like my white Russians with just a hint of vodka.) Minis agnostic skirmish games have captured my attention in a big way of late because they make for fun, varied hobby projects. Tabletop sessions are relatively quick and don’t take a huge amount of room. Delving into random miniature ranges and kitbashing weird little dudes (gender neutral) is absolutely my jam, and the “historicals with a twist” subgenre provides plenty of raw material and inspiration.