Hobby Hole: Down in the Trenches
Gunk, gunk, glorious gunk!

I’m writing this a week after the first Hobby Hole was published, so I have not yet broken my promise that this would be a regular column, and will be awarding myself a cookie. Well done, me. Unfortunately, this week’s hole is a little shallow, as illness left me too weak and feeble to lift a paintbrush. Okay, okay, I’m exaggerating, but I still felt too crappy to paint much, so I only have work in progress pieces to share this time around.
A few months back, I got to chat to Mike Franchina and Tuomas Pirinen about Trench Crusade, which is currently the hot shit indie wargame. At the time, they sent me the STLs for a couple of warbands, but my usual 3D printing guy had some issues and it took me a while to get them sorted. I now have the minis in hand, and I have fallen in love with the New Antioch Mechanised Heavy Infantry design all over again. Just look at this big, chunky friend: