From Midgard To Eternity takes you on a journey across the rainbow bridge
Currently funding on Crowfundr as part of Zine Month 2024, Armanda and Hipólita from Argentina are creating a solo game about a Viking's life and death across the Nine Realms.

The life of a Viking is, by definition, filled with adventure and plunder, with discoveries and feats worthy of song, and ideally with one final earth-rending battle that secures entry into Valhalla for eternal feasting and fighting. So what happens when old age creeps ever closer for one seeking such a memorable death? This is what upcoming solo TTRPG From Midgard To Eternity explores.
Currently funding on Crowfundr as part of Zine Month 2024, designers Armanda and Hipólita from Argentina are creating a solo game that has you banging your shield, drinking beyond your fill and jumping headlong into danger through the long, storied, perhaps apocryphal life of one such Viking as it barrels towards a triumphant or ignominious end, or Destined Death as the game puts it.
The gameplay loop consists of a series of prompts, divided thematically and geographically across the Nine Realms of Norse myth, inspired by the real-life Sagas and Eddas as well as by mythology, Norse cosmology and even the media inspirations the game wears on its sleeve - there's a lot to love here if you're a fan of the newer God of War games, The Banner Saga, Thor: Ragnarök, or even metal bands like Týr and Amon Amarth.
The cover art (pictured below) is illustrated by Amanda Lee Franck and interior art is being handled by Argentinian queer artist vapordruid.

Early life is easy and full of victories for your would-be inhabitant of Valhalla, as they enjoy both the spryness of youth and an abundance of resources and allies, all represented by Tags, one-phrase descriptors that go from the practical (a Sturdy Shield) to the abstract (Foreboding Dreams or An Inexplicable Yearning) and map to one of the four components of the soul in Norse cosmology. When encountering foes, obstacles and opposition, all of which have their own Tags, your own Tags can be used in a rock-paper-scissors style format to cancel out opposing tags and make the decisive roll easier for yourself.
Progressing through the game ticks up your character's Age, while failures, trauma and setbacks will make your Destined Death (which starts at 100) tick down. When your Destined Death literally catches up to your age, the game is over and you must take the measure of your deeds in life to make your case before the Gods.