FOLK II Voyages into Zine Month!
FOLK Volume II: Travelers of the Inky Void is Live!

FOLK Volume II: Travelers of the Inky Void is live on Backerkit! New FOLK are emerging from the spawning pits at an alarming rate and we need your help to make sure they are loved!
Help us have the best launch possible and back FOLK today to meet new friends on a starship, space station, or distant moon. These illustrated characters and settings can be seeds for TTRPG character creation, campaign preparation, or read as a comic where you supply the plot!
FOLK is a love letter to character generation, fan fiction, and storytelling prompts. The first volume of FOLK (20 Characters to Inspire & Abscond With) was released in 2024 and contained a series of 20 illustrated characters, appellations and descriptions.
FOLK Volume II: Travelers of the Inky Void will feature brand new FOLK from a shared sci-fi setting, as well as setting elements like starships, space stations and moons. Like the FOLK themselves, the setting elements provide poetic beginnings to grab ahold of and leave you to discover where they lead.
More concretely, FOLK Volume II is a black-and-white, staple-bound zine full of system-agnostic illustrations and descriptions of characters, NPCs and environments to seed into your own games. The exact page count is to be determined, but we expect it to be in the range of 32-48 pages, similar to Volume I.
Illustrations by Kate Barbaria
Words by Brendan Albano