Fey Earth a world of folklore and fairytale
Fey Earth, an alternate 19th century Earth where all the creatures from folklore and fairytale are real, have always been real and live alongside humanity. Explore this indie ttrpg set in a world of fey and magic

Fey Earth, an alternate 19th century Earth where all the creatures from folklore and fairytale are real, have always been real and live alongside humanity.
Do you live fairytales? Do you love games involving the Fey? Well now you have a chance to experience a world in which the Fey are as they were described in their orginal stories and not the fairies you might be used to.
The Kickstarter campaign which launched on 5th March and runs till 3rd April will bring to life this game which has been a labour of love for seven years. This indie ttrpg using a simple but unique D20 system has been developed over seven years with thousands of hours of research into European folklore to create a setting which portrays the Fey as authentically as possible. This is a game which has been heavily playtested and which has included work with sensitivity consultants to ensure that any stories or source material used is done so in a way which is respectful to the cultures it came from and is accurate in its portrayals.
Fey Earth is a game set in late 19th century Europe. The industrial revolution is at it's height but the world is one in which magic and the fey have always existed. The nations of Europe are growing in strenght but there are fey nations that also exist which have always been more powerful. Thankfully the fey have never been interested in colonisation or expansion but humans are beginning to feel that they are equaling their magical neighbours thanks to modern science and technology. However will it be enough against ancient magic?

In Fey Earth you can play a number of classes. The martial fighter who trains in special moves to augment their fighting style. The gunslinger who is a master ranged fighter, learning trickshots to use with their firearms. The rogue who can specialise in augmenting their abilties with magic or becoming focused on their training to be a master of subterfuge and stealth. The mystic who draws their magic from the gods and ancestral spirits and often travels adhering to a vow which grants addtional power. The druids who draw their magic from nature and are emissaries between humans and fey. The sorcerer who views magic like a science to be studied and understood and is a master at maniuplating magic itself. Finally there is the witch who sees the magic in the things around them and uses physical objects to cast their spells as well as make enchanted amulets to grant a variety of boons.
The kickstarter campaign offers three tiers at very affordable prices to make it as incluse as possible. At the €20 tier you will recieve a digital copy of the core rulebook. At the €30 tier you will recieve a digital copy of the core rulebook and a starter adventure for a party of players from levels 1-5. At the €40 tier you wil recieve all the digital rewards plus a hardback copy of the core rulebook and a GMs screen.
We hope you are drawn to this magical world of folklore and fairytale and will consider supporting it. The kickstarter runs till the start of April.