Small Father & Son-led Publishing Team Kickstarting Alongside the Big Boys
HOMIEandTheDUDE has entered the Kickstarter arena again with their newest project, The Wandering Tavern (LIVE UNTIL MAY 9th) .

HOMIEandTheDUDE, a father & son led TTRPG content creation team, has entered the Kickstarter arena again with their newest project, The Wandering Tavern (LIVE UNTIL MAY 9th) .
This time their campaign is running alongside some of the biggest 3rd party content creators in the TTRPG space.
The likes of Hit Point Press (16 Kickstarters - 11 out of the last 12 have been selected for Kickstarter's "Project We Love"), Free League (24 Kickstarters - 13 out of their last 14 were "Projects We Love"), Chaosium Inc (8 Kickstarters - 5 "Projects We Love"), Wyrmwood Gaming (27 Kickstarters - 13 out of their last 14 "Projects We Love"). Along with those powerhouses, Ghostfire Gaming have their Drakkenheim book and Bob World Builder is launching DELVE.
Tom, the father half of the team offered his view: "In one way it's like we're a baby dolphin swimming in a shark tank - haha. In another way, though, there's plenty of TTRPG crowdfunding love to share. We're super proud of The Wandering Tavern and are confident it sits well alongside those other TTRPG heavy hitters. What we'd say is, if you're all about supporting a 3rd party publishing team who are still on the up, and that are creating some unique and cool supplements, we'd love for you to check us out."
Here's a two minute trailer that nicely summarizes The Wandering Tavern:
And some additional highlights:

The Wandering Tavern is a 180+ page traveller's guide to an expansive Studio Ghibli inspired floating TTRPG setting. Explore this immense soaring city with battle maps that detail its every nook and cranny. Delve deep into the devious underbelly of the Tavern while getting to know its wide range of unique NPC patrons and staff. The Wandering Tavern’s dark mysteries and entangled truths are yours to unlock. While traversing this vast metropolis use remarkable magical items to protect yourself from the twisted Spirits stalking the halls. However, if you have to escape, you can glide through uncharted skies on never-before-seen Zephyrs, constructed from a plethora of brand-new Parts and Stations.
What’s Included:
Expansive Battle Maps filled with Key Locations:
HOMIEandTheDUDE have deconstructed this humongous drifting city into 15 giant battle maps. These stunning maps detail The Wandering Tavern in its entirety. They not only act as a perfect visualization tool for your table but your Players can enter combat on any floor, hallway, or secret room they wish.
Each Key Location on these maps is fleshed out with in-depth descriptions, deep lore, and a purpose. Many of the locations have Plot Hooks that a GM can use as inspiration for incredible side-quests or as fuel for dark mysteries to solve and unravel. Every time a Player enters a Key Location there are always a host of possibilities for fun, roleplay, and plot progression. There is so much to discover! Just ensure you don't lose your way, because the Spirits will come for you…
New NPCs
The Wandering Tavern is home to a myriad of extraordinary characters. There is never a dull day with strange and curious folk gambling, partying, trading, and roaming. From imperfect secret love stories to quiet rivalries, the patrons and staff are in some way all interconnected. Each character comes with a full description, backstory, personality, and room for growth/development.
For those characters/creatures you may skirmish against in a dark alleyway, or those who may be persuaded to join your cause on the battlefield, there are full D&D 5e stat blocks.
Plot Hooks
Littered throughout the streets, and held on the lips of the patrons and staff, are a host of interwoven intriguing plot hooks. Some of these hooks lead to dark forgotten secrets, youthful rebellions, and black market empires, while others focus on petty personal rivalries, forbidden love, and twisted histories. You will never run out of curious tales to tell, deep conversations to have, and wondrous mysteries to unlock.
Plug and Play Zephyrs
This gargantuan setting comes with 5 never-before-seen Zephyrs (Airships). These include tiny Mafia owned fighters, massive cargo vessels, and home-style Zephyrs used by nomads to cross the turbulent skies. Unlock even more storytelling possibilities by using these Zephyrs for sky battles around The Wandering Tavern, epic chases to escape the ruthless Claw Militia, and protection from deadly creature attacks.
These Zephyrs have full D&D 5e stat blocks and function using the HaTD Sky Zephyrs vehicle movement and combat system. To ensure you can get started on your very own wondrous sky adventures using our Zephyrs, we have included our Sky Zephyr Quickstart Guide!
We have also deconstructed these 5 Zephyrs which consist of 50 brand new Parts and Stations that you can use to custom build your dream Zephyrs. There are wild new abilities and actions to spice up Zephyr combat and take your flights to new heights. These Parts will also be made available in the HaTD Builder for those who back The Wandering Tavern.
Spirits and Their Mechanics
When the sun sets on The Wandering Tavern and the street lanterns ignite, Spirits pour out of the shadows. These Spirits fill halls and the streets. Some search for friendship and pleasant conversations, while others just want to inflict grievous damage upon anyone without a Spirit Ward. Within this travellers' guide you will find information and mechanics on the various types of Spirits you may encounter, how they came into existence, methods to protect yourself, and some example Spirits to help get GMs started. So keep your Spirit Wards close, and whatever you do, don’t die anywhere near the Stone Of Remembrance, for if you do, you will suffer the same fate as these unfortunate Spirits.
Magical Items
We have provided a plethora of Magical Items to populate adventures on The Wandering Tavern. There is everything one could need, from mechanical backpacks with wings that allow you to soar effortlessly from place to place, to magic masks that help you to commune with the Tavern's Spirits. Many of these Magical Items tie into the various Plot Hooks, Key Locations, and NPCs. Players can organically find the items or they can hunt them down in the name of a quest. All the items come with descriptions and D&D 5e Stats.
Downtime Games
The Godspeed Gaming Hall gives players a chance to take a load off and try their hand/paw/claw at gambling on a few of the most popular games. If you're an archery fanatic, Lucky Shot may be the game for you, or for something that requires a bit more deception and deduction, give Fifties a go. Either way, these games are the perfect outlet for Players to pass their Downtime on The Wandering Tavern.
Illicit Goods/Substances
No floating city would be complete without a dark and dangerous black market underbelly. Within The Wandering Tavern, there are marvellous Illicit Goods that may be found, traded between Tavern Dwellers, or quietly auctioned off to rich and powerful patrons. Additionally, we have included a number of mind-altering Illicit Substances. Each one comes with mechanics to allow Players to experiment with these substances as much or as little as they would like.
Recipes by a Top Rated Chef
There are numerous bars and restaurants serving food aboard The Wandering Tavern with scrumptious menus for patrons and tavern dwellers to enjoy … If they have the coin, that is. To help bring this world to life, we have included a collection of delicious recipes for dishes that exist on The Wandering Tavern. All of these delectable recipes come from the mind of Tracy the HaTD mum who is a top rated professional chef. Tracy has cooked for the likes of Presidents, Film Stars, Religious Leaders, and Influential Families all across the world.
These succulent recipes can all be eaten around the D&D table. The dishes range from mouth-watering snacks to delightful feasts. So, tuck into and fill up on the amazing dishes straight from The Wandering Tavern.
STLs (130mm and 300mm) of The Wandering Tavern:
HOMIEandTheDUDE have been hard at work creating the HaTDBuilder, a modular vehicle stat block generator. This builder allows users to create their dream Zephyrs (Airships) from a huge selection of Parts and Stations. It then provides a full Sky Zephyrs D&D 5e compatible stat block for your custom Zephyr.
Become a master vehicle builder as you can control how large your Zephyr is, what weapons/Confrontation Stations are at your disposal, and what sort of Utility Stations you want aboard. Make sure to choose carefully when selecting between Foundation and Propulsion Parts so that your Zephyr has the exact look, feel, and functions you desire.
Save your creations to your personal profile and export the full Zephyr stats and an in-game construction bill!
The HaTDBuilder is still in its early stages with 200+ Parts and Stations to choose from. But fear not, for more Parts and Stations are being added all the time, giving you many more unique combinations to choose from. Currently, the website is focused on Airships, however, Submarines, Land Vehicles, and Spaceships are all on the horizon.
So, DON'T MISS OUT on this vehicle revolution for your D&D table!!
We feel so unbelievably lucky to have been able to collaborate with a number of spectacular creators who have been hard at work bringing their own unique styles to The Wandering Tavern. Each collaborator is offering some of their own incredible content to inspire and assist GMs and Players at their TTRPG table. There will be Items, Battle Maps, Tokens, Encounters, Fantasy Music, and Professional Instructional Courses on TTRPG skills (valued at over £150). If you wish to support all these amazing creators, choose our Collaborator Tier where you will get access to The Wandering Tavern and all the extra content provided. If you wish to support one of these creators that you specifically love, you can select their bundle from the Add-Ons and add it to your chosen tier.
- Shiny Press: This incredible team creates epic homebrew items for D&D 5e and have graciously agreed to bless The Wandering Tavern with some of their amazing designs. If you choose to add their bundle to this supplement, you will gain some fantastic prizes in the Godspeed Gaming Hall as well as insanely cool creatures and mounts to elevate your game.
Will Savino: What's a D&D game without killer background music to get everyone into their feelings? Will is an incredible composer who has provided us with 50 amazing tracks to bring The Wandering Tavern to life. Many of these have been inspired by the spectacular Studio-Ghibli and other fantasy adventures. So if you want some awesome tunes for your TTRPG table, add Will’s bundle to your chosen tier.
B. Dave Walters: Long-time friend of HaTD and legendary TTRPG influencer, B. Dave Walters, has kindly provided us with a discount on top-notch virtual courses led by him. Whether you are a Performance GM/Player wanting to improve their skills for live actual–plays or simply someone who plays/runs a home game for your friends, these courses will take your Roleplay and TTRPG skills to a whole new LEVEL! If you wanna be like the greats, you gotta train like the greats, add B. Dave’s bundle to your chosen tier.
CZRPG: CZRPG is a creator dedicated to making GM’s planning and prep easier. To expand on your sky based adventures even further, they have provided us with two wondrous sky locations that come with 12 maps, 10 encounters, and x tokens. If you’re ready to take your campaign to the skies with The Wandering Tavern and loads more adventures, CZRPG’s bundle is the perfect place to start. Add this bundle to your chosen tier.