Fallout: Factions is a model starter set

It’s also a starter set that contains models

Fallout: Factions is a model starter set
Credit: Modiphius

Wargames are a bit of an oddity in the tabletop gaming space because they’re as much an arts and crafts hobby as they are games. This distinction is not exclusive to wargames. You can certainly go all out with minis and terrain for any RPG that uses maps for combat—and there are plenty of board games full of miniatures—but the hobby element isn’t a requirement. Crack open the box of almost any wargame, however, and you’re going to be confronted with sprues of grey plastic (or little baggies of resin/metal bits) that will at least need assembling before you can actually play the game. Exceptions exist, but they are very much exceptions.

On top of that, you usually need to buy (and assemble and paint) even more stuff to play the game as the designers intended, particularly with larger scale games such as Warhammers 40k and Age of Sigmar. It’s a huge investment of time and money, and if you’re more interested in playing games than indulging in the hobby side of things, it can be frustrating that it takes so long to get to the good bit. There’s also the chance that you can’t find a local scene for the game you want to play, or that your friends move on to something else, leaving your miniature collection collecting its own collection… Of dust. This topic has been on my mind because I recently got hold of Fallout: Factions - Battle for Nuka-World and it’s one of the best starter sets I’ve seen.