Help me to get out of jail...

... in "Escape From The Tower of Dusk" - a Solo-RPG about breaking out of a cursed ancient prison controlled by a paramilitary cult.

Help me to get out of jail...
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Joining this year's ZineQuest, another story from the Mikhail Malkin's Fishbone Archipelago emerges.
Escape From The Tower of Dusk - A Solo RPG about fighting for your freedom and preserving your virtues while trapped in a facility designed to destroy your soul.

Dice Pool Attributes and Virtue Archetypes.

The game uses an original d6 Dice building system representing protagonist’s Virtues as an Attribute Dice Pool, where Locations, Items, Allies and Secrets provide roll modifiers affecting the amount of dice available.

Each day before your escape attempt consists of twelve events. Half of them are random and depend on Bane Playbook, others are fixed or triggered by your Escape Plan, defined by Benefactor Playbook.

Basic edition of this game provides 2 Bane and 2 Benefactor playbooks, but you can help Mikhail Malkin to add extra narrative choices by supporting Escape From The Tower Of Dusk campaign.