Sqwürmish is an Infectious Miniatures-Agnostic Game set in the Grimm Dying Universe

Sqwürmish is an Infectious Miniatures-Agnostic Game set in the Grimm Dying Universe
This is a community submitted press release.

Sqwürmish is exploding into the wargame scene with our vibrant, retro-future, space-punk sensibilities. The pairing of established game mechanics and stunning graphics will attract the attention of skirmish enthusiasts and fans of the Vast Grimm RPG.

Partnering with Sol Blair of Malevoline Minis, digital and physical Vast Grimm minis will also be available in this crowdfunding campaign.

What is Sqwürmish?

Sqwürmish is a 28mm miniatures agnostic game set in the Dying Universe of Vast Grimm. Players can use official miniatures, minis already in their collection, rocks from the yard, or craft monstrosities of their very own for this game.

In Sqwürmish, play as a Crew of five going on daring missions in search of fortune, glory, and survival. Players do their best not to become infected by the Grimm Parasites while attaining their objective, but würms are everywhere. 

Crews should be customized with a wide array of weapons and gear. From throwing bones, to pulse rifles, to mini-BOOM boxes; each mini can be as unique as the character in the Crew.

Built using the rules-light mechanics of Forbidden Psalm (Mörk Borg skirmish game), it will be familiar to anyone who has played a d20 RPG or a miniature wargame. 

Sqwürmish can be played Solo, Co-op, or Versus with a single one-off scenario, or as a long-form campaign connecting the thirteen scenarios in the book.

Sqwurmish Features:

  • FREE playtest rules with one Scenario
  • STL and resin-printed miniature options
  • Thirteen Scenarios for hours of gameplay
  • Available for digital play on Roll20
  • Vast Grimm/Mörk Borg/Forbidden Psalm compatible
  • From the creators of Vast Grimm
  • Solo, Co-op, and Versus modes (1-4 players)

Why does this look familiar?

Sqwürmish is set in the same universe as the Vast Grimm TTRPG. Brian Colin, the co-creator and creative lead of Vast Grimm products is also the creator of Sqwürmish. Ross Brandt, the other co-creator of Vast Grimm has written a number of scenarios in this book. Miniatures sculpted by Sol Blair of Malevolent Minis are based on the classes and many of the creatures in the Vast Grimm books. 

Don't miss out on Sqwürmish, follow the Kickstarter now!