New podcast spotlights Aussie TTRPG scene
Aussie Role Call is a new podcast that spotlights innovation in local TTRPG scene.

Aussie Role Call, a podcast by ARC, launched this week and highlights emerging creators and innovators of the Australian TTRPG scene with additional news about new games, crowdfunding projects, and upcoming events.

Aussie Role Call has come out of the gate swinging with two stellar interviews, demonstrating some of the outstanding talent Australia has to offer.
Episode one is a chat with the community manager for Dungeons & Dragons Australia Facebook group and Vampire the Masquerade Storyteller, NephthysNile.
Episode two features award-winning game designer and mentor Logan Timmins, who shares his tips on how to start designing TTRPGs.
The trailer for the podcast introduces listeners to the hosts: Kate O’Sullivan (she/her), Dan Machuca (he/him), and Stevie Schafer (he/him). The hosts take turns to interview their guests, providing a well-rounded and diversified approach to their interviews.
So, who are the hosts of the Aussie Role Call podcast? Are listeners in good hands? We think so!
Kate O’Sullivan (she/her)

Kate is found somewhere at the junction of Science and Entertainment. She is a performer with a background in chemistry, education and improvised theatre. With a passion for storytelling and bringing education opportunities to a range of audiences, she rarely sits still. Kate is a star on many actual plays including Dungeons & Doctorates, and Meeples and Dragons.
Dan Machuca (he/him)

Dan has been working as a game therapist for over three years, using TTRPGs to help young people improve their social and problem solving skills. Having created his own game system, “Telling Our Tales”, he is now working on ways to incorporate TTRPGs into educational environments outside of the lunchtime club. Working in Melbourne as a primary teacher, he is also a member of the “That’s How We Roll” team, and has been on many streams including GMing “Mistworld” and many of the “One Shot Revolver” series.
Stevie Schafer (he/him)

Stevie is a Naarm (Melbourne, Australia) based podcast producer, professional game master, and founder of the Melbourne Queer TTRPG Community. He writes scenarios for TTRPGs, and has begun to venture into Game Design. Stevie grew up in the wilds of lutruwita (Tasmania, Australia), and moved to Naarm over a decade ago to do a Masters in Classics. He can usually be found behind the scenes of many things at the Australian Roleplay Community. Stevie brings his technical podcasting expertise and knowledge of the Aussie TTRPG landscape to the Aussie Role Call podcast.
Go listen to the trailer and the first two episodes to learn more about what the Australian TTRPG scene has to offer.
The Aussie Role Call podcast is available on major podcast platforms, or via the Spotify page.