Do You Hear Your Heartbeat?
A new Urban Fantasy Actual Play full of cowboys, small town drama, and a dark mysteries.

Taíno Tales is excited to announce its fourth entry into its Weird Earth Saga with an all-new Kids on Bikes actual play premiering Sunday, March 16th at 4 pm EST.
It is the summer of 1988, and the Town of Hearth’s Valley, Colorado has been hit by a freak and tragic forest fire that led to the death of several of its beloved community members. While almost everyone in town considers these fires to be an accident, one person doesn't as an old VHS tape left at the doorstep of our protagonists tells a different story ... a dark story. There are stranger powers at work here and only The Wildfire Club has the power to solve this mystery before it is too late! Join us as we follow Arizona Holloway (played by Cam Helgeland), Lizzie Stone (played by Josephine Kim), and Ava Taha (played by Hamnah Shahid) as they unravel the dark history behind their hometown's origin and try to discover what happened the night the wildfire came to claim their home.

For those unfamiliar with the Weird Earth Saga, the world is much like our own except for all the strange, mysterious, and weird things that make up the magical communities around this chaotic world. This wonderfully weird world was created by Chris Colón (the Founder of Taíno Tales) and has been predominantly used as the setting for several actual plays on the channel. This includes shows such as The Mythic Initiative, an Apocalypse Keys/Monster of the Week tale following a group of monstrous agents, and The Doomsayers, a City of Mist tale following a group of modern-day Greek gods trying to solve the horrible murder of one of their own.

In addition to this new fantastically weird story, this actual play will use a new hack of the wonderful Kids on Bikes system with rules inspired by Dimensions 20’s Never Stop Blowing Up and Season 2 of Misfits and Magic. These new changes come with the addition of a new Harm system and a new stat called the Wildfire Die which represents the strange new powers that the club can use to solve the mysterious but with great power comes even greater consequences!

If you are a fan of media such as the Life is Strange Series, The Runaways, and Yellowstone then this show is definitely for you! If you want to support the show you can do so by following us over on Twitch and turning notifications on so that you'll never miss an episode from the season. We'll see you in March at our premiere!