Dive into Lyric Games with the Lyrical Ludology Podcast
A brand new podcast exploring the lyric games niche of tabletop roleplaying games.

Beginning March 5th 2024, the new Lyrical Ludology Podcast from Logan Timmins invites listeners on a deep dive into the lyric games niche of tabletop roleplaying games.
In the 'casual interview' style, Logan invites guests to share their unique perspective on the lyric games niche and shine a light on this lesser known phenomenon.
"The thing about lyric games is that there is no single agreed upon definition for what they are. That in itself is really interesting to me. I wanted to chat with designers around the world to hear their different perspectives and flesh out 'what is a lyric game?'" says host, Logan.
Each episode is between 10 and 15 minutes - easily digestible one at a time, and perfect for a binge listen if that's more your style. Suitable for fans of lyric games, and those who have never heard of them alike.
But why care about lyric games at all?
"I really love lyric games because of the emotional impact they can have. The particular ways that lyric games are often designed really invites vulnerability, and the ability to go to really deep and personal places, through beautifully crafted game experiences."
For those who love to learn more about themselves, connect deeply, or get a little whacky, lyric games might be right up your alley.
Want to know more? Listen to the trailer below, and check out the first episode with Jay Dragon - live now!