Cryo Drakus...Aliens at Our Doostep.

An alien reconnaissance rpg live on Kickstarter.

Cryo Drakus...Aliens at Our Doostep.
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We watch as alien hives populate across our solar system 50 years after Earth barely survived its first alien invasion. The land is scarred and we’re still recovering. Now they’re back, and they brought some friends.

Cryo Drakus is a reconnaissance game where players pilot spaceships through alien hives in search of vital information about the threats surrounding Earth. Dangerous missions require pilots to balance their use of resources so they can avoid crashing, being shot down, and most importantly, avoid being assimilated.

Now live on Kickstarter

Interior spread, Ship Selection including two of the four ships in the game, the Klip Karavel and the Razor Blade.
Cryo Drakus, one of two ship selection spreads.

The game focuses on tactical exploration. The hive shifts and enemy defenses strengthen in response to the crew's antagonizing actions. The crew collects what they can, scan for intrigue, and try to make it out alive. Back on Earth, the crew and their allies analyze the samples and discover more about why these aliens are here. Sometimes they even find a reason they must return to a hive they previously explored.

Cryo Drakus features a rules-lite dice pool system, quick + auto-hit combat, customizable ships, and rules for your pilots living back on Earth when they are not deploying on missions. It plays best with 3-6 players, one acting as Mission Control (the GM) and the rest as pilots.

Cover of Cryo Drakus, spaceships piloting in space.
Cryo Drakus Cover WIP

A few defining mechanics in Cryo Drakus:

Power Dice are a limited resource that players use to take additional actions during combat, add dice to their dice pools when taking a risk, and restore their shields. But power can also be drained from ships by certain enemies, and when the final power dice is lost, or spent, the ship crashes. Players must balance their power dice use between immediate advantage, and long term safety.

Ship Upgrades can be picked up during each mission. They are found in specific hive chambers and are sometimes dropped by fallen enemies. Each ship type features a unique set of upgrades, which players choose from each time they gain a new one during play. Unfortunately, they don't always last forever. A player must sacrifice one of their upgrades each time one of their ship’s three shields are broken.

The Danger Meter is a track that increases alien defenses and changes the map in an attempt to weed out the pilot intruders. It advances based solely on player actions. For instance, when they engage in combat or when they steal something from the hive. Advancing the Danger Meter is the only way to unlock more alien samples and information. The more the hive focuses on eliminating the crew, the more open it is to be dissected.

Interior spread of the Danger Meter from the Cryo Drakus core book, used in the introductory adventure.
The Danger Meter spread from the introduction adventure in the core book.

Learn more about Cryo Drakus on the Kickstarter page