CONVICT-ION TTRPG #ZineQuest Kickstarter is ending this Friday!
TTRPG inspired by Life is Strange, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Persona, as well as the philosophy of Butler and Foucault.

The story takes place in a “prison”, and you play as one of the CONVICTED—characters with CONVICTIONS.
Each of you has a CONVICTION—a belief that guides you through life.
Each of you has a CONVICTION—a deviant act or trait that the society labels as a crime.
Both your CONVICTIONS—internal sense of self and struggle with social norms—manifest into a special ability called GENDER.
Use your GENDER to find the truth and break free.
CONVICT-ION is a tabletop role-playing game that uses a modified version of the Belonging Outside Belonging system, for 3-6 players with or without a GM.
Each player takes on the identity of a Convicted—one of the protagonists of the story. During the game, the players also take part in building the world their characters inhabit, and help narrate the consequences of their actions.
CONVICT-ION can be played with or without a pre-made scenario. The game is its own System Reference Document (SRD) in which you tell the story of delinquents struggling against a system which aims to "normalise" them.
A preview version of the game including the first scenario "Existence is Queer" can be found here on The Kickstarter campaign would fund the printing of the zine, which includes a second scenario "Life is/in a Prison". The full version of CONVICT-ION will be published as a ~40 page stapled A5 zine with colour cover and greyscale pages, with a tentative release in June 2024.

CONVICT-ION is designed by W.H. Arthur; designer of The Sol Survivor, Molotov College and The Steadfast and the Rebellious, as well as contributing writer to Lovecraftesque 2e, Animon Story ANI-THOLOGY and Witch: Fated Souls 2e. Chloe Montgomery of Biscuit Fund Games (Tournament Arc, Goblin Country) is the sensitivity consultant for this project.
CONVICT-ION has reached its initial funding target, with two stretch goals announced:
- At £900, extra pay would be offered to the sensitivity consultant for her work
- At £1312, Alyssa Ridley would write a DLC scenario THE COURT OF THE DOUBLE-HEADED GOD for the game
The digital PDF tier is only £3, while the physical zine tier is £4 plus shipping. There are extra tiers for generous backers who want to support the game.