Confluence RPG Coming to Backerkit October 15

Confluence: The Living Archive: A World Where the Past, Present, and Future Collide

Confluence RPG Coming to Backerkit October 15
Mockups of all 6 Confluence: The Living Archive books sitting atop a colorful map. Get Pulled into Confluence RPG. A brand new TTRPG from the makers of the Alleyman Tarot. *All products shown pending final design and approval.
This is a community submitted press release.

Electricity courses through you and the air hums with static. As you try to focus, a world of living color blurs into view. You have arrived in Ajurea: the world is yours to explore.

Confluence: The Living Archive is a genre-blending TTRPG of fantasy, sci-fi, and horror, built to tell collaborative character and place-driven stories. Ajurea is world of meeting, where strange phenomena called Confluxes Pull people, objects, and even entire cities together across 700,000 years of time. 

Players might choose to be pirates in Delrun finding family, divine merchants in Motley Coast City, criminals planning a heist of time in Chrona, rural revolutionaries in Crop Circle Junction, and even Gravity Islanders caught in their own technological telenovela. Along the way, they will encounter a host of colorful NPCs, magical and technological Anomalies, and unexpected dangers.

Day in the life at the Motley Coast market. People shopping, a child crying, and a Motley Crew guard chasing a thief.

Use its unique d6 dice pool system to bring Ajurea to life. In this first release, you play in the region of Motley Coast exploring the kaleidoscopic coast, to the underwater labyrinths, to the floating forest-cities, where everything here is constantly changing. Prepare to change with it.

Confluence launches Tuesday, October 15, 2024 on Backerkit featuring a six book bundle with almost 1000 pages of content available in PDF and Physical editions. The bundle includes:

    • The Atlas Volume 1: The Motley Coast - an in-world guide to the setting.
    • Sujatha’s Journal - an in-world guide to Lineages, Magics, and Ajurea itself.
    • The Confluence Guide to the Living Archive (CGLA) - the Story Leader and Player rulebook.
    • The Catalog of Lists - a guide to help customize your characters.
    • Calibration - a guide to running a session zero and introduction to the rules.
    • So You Want to Build It - a guide to building your own Confluence RPG tools.
Join the mailing list to be notified when we go live. Backers who presave and pledge at the PDF tier or higher will receive an exclusive adventure module with their purchase.
Some of the Lineages of Ajurea.

Ajurea has hundreds of unique Lineages. In this original release more than 20 have extensive write ups in Sujatha’s Journal. Players might choose the color-munching Hahen, the body modding Ell’el, fungus or moss-covered Goblins, an anthropomorphic animal called a Bande Dhaben, or diverse Mortals. For an underwater adventure consider playing an amphibious salamander-like Salian, or even a Mjurn with a fish-like body.

Your skills are not tied to a class or your Lineage in Confluence. You choose a Calling and Facets from our Catalog based on your character's history and interests. The skills you learn can work together, but they don’t have to, giving you freedom to be who you want to be. Travel throughout Ajurea to learn new skills that are only available to learn in particular places, like traveling to the Gravity Isles to learn Gravity Magic.

Example of the Atlas page layout with ephemera and mechanics excerpts.

Get immersed into the world when flipping through our in-world setting book. Each region has hundreds of notes, memorabilia, and commentary from the inhabitants of Ajurea. Story Leaders and players can use the ephemera as plot hooks to build their adventure quickly and easily. Find the best places to party or get whiffs of a rebellion brewing. 

Story Leaders and players have access to extensive tools to bring their version of Ajurea to life. While these tools will start as physical assets, we are working diligently to bring you online tools. The Confluence Discord hosts a proto-version of our Focus card database, known as the Living Archive where you share places, people, things, and other story elements between playgroups around the world. Even players can grab Focuses from the archive to help fill in the world on the go. 

As Confluence and Ajurea grow, we will be adding to your digital play experience. Right now we are partnering with Alchemy RPG and Pixel Table to provide virtual tables and custom digital tools for your games.

Pledge early for free pin! Picture of Skywhales and the Skywhale Pin.

Pledge in the first 48 hours to receive:

    • a free digital Focus Card deck with the purchase of the PDF Bundle tier.
    • a free Skywhale pin with the purchase of the Physical Bundle tier.
    • both the digital deck and the pin for the Get Pulled into Ajurea and higher tiers (excluding the Retailer's Bundle) .
Join the mailing list to be notified when we go live. Backers who presave and pledge at the PDF tier or higher will receive an exclusive adventure module with their purchase.