Caught in the Rain Solo TTRPG now 500% Funded!

A solo / GM-less investigative mystery ttrpg

Caught in the Rain Solo TTRPG now 500% Funded!
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From humble beginnings over two years ago to the release this week on Kickstarter, Caught in the Rain has been developed, iterated, and playtested hundreds of times. We’re over 500% funded so far, so why not learn a bit about the game below?

For a long time, mysteries in solo TTRPG play has been a problem. Caught in the Rain offers a new take and solves the problem with its innovative card-based system.

How do you create an interesting, surprising, and logical mystery if you have to be both GM and player?

Caught in the Rain solves this in two ways:

  • as clues are gathered by drawing cards from the deck, they are given narrative meaning. Until they are established as a truth however, they may become false leads or red herrings
  • pressure from the narrative, either from increasing danger or your investigator's obligations, will eventually force you to attempt to solve the mystery even if you don't have all the pieces.

Solving the mystery in Caught in the Rain is when you examine your clues and guess three secret cards set aside at the beginning of the game. Each card you correctly guess represents your clues bearing truth, but each card you incorrectly guess represents a twist to the narrative outcome and a crucial piece of the puzzle missing.

Got questions? Check out the Kickstarter page for free access to the quickstart guide.