Caught in the Rain - A Solo Game System for Investigative Mysteries
Coming to Kickstarter for ZineQuest February 25th

Caught in the Rain is a solo roleplaying game of investigative mystery coming to Kickstarter for ZineQuest! Whether you are a child searching for their lost brother, or a detective searching for a ruthless killer, Caught in the Rain solves the challenge of solo mysteries by keeping the truth hidden. This allows players to uncover satisfying, cohesive, and sometimes unexpected revelations through the game's mystery system.
When you play, you will weave a tense mystery, roll dice to determine the outcome of your investigator’s actions, draw cards from the clue deck to establish and strengthen your clues, and through a process of elimination, guess the truth cards set aside at the start of the game to solve the mystery. If you'd like to try out the old ashcan version of the game, check it out here.

Caught in the Rain is a fully contained game containing everything you need to play including:
- 80+ pages of simple to learn TTRPG rules to create engaging mysteries.
- Campaign options to play with the same investigator over successive mysteries.
- GM-less rules to play as a group of investigators.
- Narrative oracles to aid your creativity and spark ideas in the story.
- 20+ genre tables to customize the genre and setting of your mystery.
- Extensive advice for playing solo rpgs, whether you're a veteran or beginner.
Along with the game, the crowdfunding campaign will include custom playing cards tailored to solo TTRPG play. They both serve as a functional deck of standard playing cards, but also a versatile oracle for any card-based solo TTRPG.

Caught in the Rain will be the third crowdfunding campaign run by The Ravensridge Emporium, a trio of dicemakers and game designers who previously created the quintessential map-making TTRPG Cartograph.
Can you uncover the truth before the weight of it becomes too heavy?