Can You Host?

a game of messy queers who want to fuck but don't want to host available now!

Can You Host?
This is a community submitted press release.

You’re at the best gay bar in your city.

It closes in 2 hours.

You are hot, so is everyone else.

You all want to fuck each other.

You are queer.

You are messy.

You don’t want to host.

Can You Host? is a game of messy queers who want to fuck but don’t want to host for 4-7 players that you can play in 2 hours or less. You might be a dagger with lickable boots, a flannel wearing bear, or a doll with a bag full of trading cards. Whoever you are though, you want to end up in someone else’s bed tonight. Everyone has one question on their mind...


Available on NOW

This is just the Quick & Dirty Edition.

Can You Host? Hot & Heavy Edition cumming to BackerKit in June 2025