Brandon Sanderson plans to support the Cosmere RPG “for as long as he's writing books”

Brotherwise Games seems happily married into Sanderson’s fantasy empire, to the tune of $5 million and counting.

Brandon Sanderson plans to support the Cosmere RPG “for as long as he's writing books”
Credits: Brotherwise Games/Dragonsteel Books
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It only took 24 hours for the Cosmere Roleplaying Game to prove it has the momentum to pierce the upper echelons of tabletop RPG crowdfunding. Fans have shown up to support the game based on Brandon Sanderson’s expansive fantasy book series, pledging over $5 million on the first day. Magpie Games’ Avatar Legends ended its 2021 campaign with just over $9.5 million, drawing two beloved fantasy worlds-turned-tabletop games—which the public will inevitably compare—a little closer in competition. 

Publisher Brotherwise Games and its co-founder Johnny O’Neal took over a meeting room at Gen Con dedicated to what we now know is only one-third of the full Cosmere RPG—the design team plans to fold in the worlds of Mistborn and Elantris for players to eventually explore. Talking to Rascal, O’Neal and lead designer Andrew Fischer spoke to the relatively small team’s belief that this game could be so much more than a simple D&D 5E reskin.

“We could have spent a lot less time, a lot less money, hired a lot worse designers to make a Stormlight RPG and make a lot of money off of it,” O’Neal said. “But the reason Brandon Sanderson chose to work with Brotherwise when every game company in the industry was knocking on his door is because he knows we really care and he wants to make something that is great.”