actual play
The Panic Table yearns for the space mines
If the kids from Stranger Things played Mothership, you’d end up with The Panic Table
actual play
If the kids from Stranger Things played Mothership, you’d end up with The Panic Table
An interview with the cast of Bitcherton on crowdfunding their improvised Regency comedy podcast
Hex & Co’s desire to speed up the bargaining process has been stymied by ownership’s obstinate and outright hostile legal counsel
$1.25 million in funding, a Kickstarter cancellation, and likely brigading bans, all in the name of creating the collector’s perfect card game. Or so one Web3 evangelist says.
actual play
Magic & Stuff is an all-queer, all-femme animated twist on a classic AP format
actual play
Connie Chang and Sea Thomas’ first in-studio foray is a divine cinematic experience
actual play
Brian David Judkins and Ned Donovan set their sights on getting an Emmy for Actual Play
A study by Dr. Emily Friedman and Carson Barnes wants to pull back the curtain on labor in TTRPGs
actual play
BlackwaterDND’s actual play, Godkiller Oblivion, shows the beauty in things falling apart.
Microcelebrity is horrifying, especially in Akron
An interview with a co-founder of the newly-launched TTGDA on the power of sharing collective knowledge
Lay it on the Table
Memory’s a fickle thing when you’re wandering the Bloodbeam Badlands
Jambô Editora’s headquarters in Porto Alegra have “water from floor to ceiling”.
Rue Dickey’s third annual Tabletop for Trans Rights Bundle is raising money for the Appalachian LGBTQ+ community
Systems matter, especially in a game like War
A pattern of delays in communication and payment from have repeatedly left charity organizers and game sellers in the dark.