Charging into Aries season with six indie tabletop games

Sure, there’s some once in a lifetime celestial bullshit happening, but let me talk to you about GAMES.

Charging into Aries season with six indie tabletop games

The Spring Equinox brings in Aries Season, the first astrological sign in the celestial calendar, and with it, we are introducing a lighthearted bit of horoscopery, completely grounded in a handful of audacious research and to be taken not at all seriously. 

Co–Star says that Aires gets angry and then forgets why they’re angry, which is absurd and hilarious, and perfect for Born to Die, an absurdist, experimental, gonzo game. You play as mutated animals on the hunt for corpoghosts and half-cops in an abandoned wasteland (empty office building). It’s a game built to fall apart, and honestly if you die, you die. Get angry, try again.