Andrea's Adventurers 2024 Charity Stream
Three days of Canadian adventuring, gaming and shenanigans, all in support of the Canadian Cancer Society.

Andrea’s Adventurers is a group of TTRPG fans who want to make a difference in the lives of people living with cancer in Canada and their families.
Started in 2018 by Andrea and Blair Driedger (the people behind Adventure Dice), we began as a Canadian Cancer Society Relay for Life team as a way for them to fight back against Andrea’s cancer diagnosis. Over the years we’ve hosted hot dog sales, sold t-shirts, and run board games events.
When the pandemic hit in 2020 and we couldn’t relay, we decided to combine our love for tabletop roleplaying games with our fundraising and started our charity livestream!
To-date we’ve raised over $25,000 for the Canadian Cancer Society. This money supports cancer research in Canada and support services for people living with cancer and their families.

ANDREA'S ADVENTURERS 2024 is returning on August 16 to August 18, and will see three days of games, including Dungeons&Dragons, Goblin Quest, Avatar Legends, Lasers & Feelings, Ryuutama, Pigeon's Eleven, X Crawl Classics, and Adventure Skeletons, run by experienced storytellers from Fablemancers, YVR DMs, QuestKeep, Agents of DAMNED and more.
The goal for 2024 is to raise $10000 (CAD) for the Canadian Cancer Society, and we can only do so with your help, adventurers! You can contribute by donating directly during the games - each donation comes with an in-game perk affecting the game itself! - by bidding on the silent auction items donated by publishers and the community, or simply tuning in and cheering on the players and GMs. You can also buy the exclusive Andrea's Adventurers 2024 polyhedral dice set from Adventure Dice!
All information about the stream, the games, the GMs, and Andrea's story can be found at

Let's Roll a Nat 20 to Beat Cancer!